
Showing posts from August, 2014

10 Choices You Won't Regret in 10 Years

This blog post was in my feed this morning and I couldn't help but share it because it reminded me of an email I received from my brother Matthew, I wrote back to him with a bit of advice that I thought would be helpful but really I should have just sent him this blog because it pretty much sums up what I was trying to say but as usual is way more concise :) The original post can be found here:  Blog In the end, more than anything else, we regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were too afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make. Think about it… The big opportunity you procrastinated on.  That friend you never called.  Those important words you left unspoken. You know what I’m talking about. Every one of us has experienced feelings of regret.  But it’s not too late to set things straight.  We’re still here breathing.  Today we have an opportunity to change tomorrow.  Right now we can choose to erase reg...

I Had Errands to Run and a House to Clean ...

I had errands to run and a house to clean ... Coffee, milk, dog food for Hobson, cat food for the cat we haven't seen in months, who refuses to come when we call him, only sneaking in here and there to grab a bite of food before venturing out for the day to most likely chase field mice or terrorise the other local cats. Dinner, oh god what are we going to have for dinner, hamburgers again? No they sit like a rock in my stomach. Pizza? Maybe, but what about when we start weaning Cyril, can we have pizza then, probably not, better not get into the habit. Speaking of weaning, he's 21 weeks, only 3 weeks to go until we get started on this train and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Puree or baby-led? Who knows and quite frankly who the fuck cares how I feed him as long as he learns how to chew and swallow it'll be a success right? Oh god what if he doesn't learn to swallow, will I have to tube feed him for life, or use a food processor forever, god I hate ...