
Showing posts from November, 2014

8 Months

I just wanted to write a little update on Cyril so that when I look back a few years from now I can remember all the crazy things he was up to at this age so without further avail ... Cyril can crawl into things, on top of things, through tunnels, and up and down the furniture. pull himself up to  a standing position. Cyril doing a plank walk with his tool cart. walk while holding onto my hands. hang from a climbing hold at the gym with no support for approximately 10 seconds. swim with a shark fin on his back, although he doesn't know to pick his head up yet. feed himself a wide variety of finger foods. Crawling towards some cacti! His favourite foods right now are squash/pumpkin, oranges, tomatoes, pears, avocado, and he's obsessed with yogurt. He can say mamama, dadadada, gagaga, bababa but he's not naming objects yet and he also has a wide variety of pitches that he sings in different situations. He laughs just like my brother Benny and...

The Days are Long, but the Years are Short.

How can my little peanut be 8 months old already? When he was first born I asked the doctor to put him back inside, unfortunately she told me this was not possible so Josh and I told ourselves, with great hesitation, that we could handle this, we would get through 10 hours of non-stop screaming and his hunger strike, surely he would eat eventually. He was more stubborn then we thought and after 24 hours of breastmilk refusal we were transferred to another hospital. That's when Josh and I turned to each other and said "What have we done." You see, I never had that instant bond with Cyril, when he came out I felt nothing, no elation, no relief, no oh my god you're the cutest thing I've ever seen. In fact, my first words were look at his fat parsnip fingers. Then I asked if he should be nursing and why he was screaming. I knew nothing despite the plethora of books I read in pregnancy. What a waste of time all that reading was. They finally released me from h...