Crustless Quiches and Other News

I made these yesterday morning for Cyril to see if I could persuade him to eat eggs. I knew I didn't have time to make crust so I decided to grease the muffin tin and pop these bad boys in. They were super easy to make, josh and I thought they were yummy but Cyril didn't buy my eggs in disguise and quickly threw his on the ground, haha! Ingredients: 4 eggs 1 handful of cheese I used a mixture of cheddar and Parmesan Butter Whatever veg needs using up. We used 1/4 of a red pepper and 1 tiny red onion. Method: Preheat oven to 350F or 180C Sauté veg in butter until soft over medium heat. Whisk all ingredients together including veg. Butter your muffin tray. Pour mixture in. Cook for 20-25 mins. Enjoy! In other news Cyril is finally showing one pearly white. I do see about 6 more teeth that are ready to breakthrough the gums, poor boy. However, lucky for all of us, there are no complaints from him, fingers crossed. In slightly sad news for me I think Cyril and I have had our last ...