Weekend Reads and Spending Progress
First, I just want to say thank you to everyone who commented and sent me emails regarding my year long shopping ban. I realise it came as a shock for some people and I had some mixed comments. However, I'm prepared to persevere and was happy to have a couple people decide to join me on my journey this year. Please don't worry about my mental health I've never felt as happy as I do right now in my life. Also, if you really know me, and I mean really then you know this decision is in no way out of character for me, in fact as Josh would say, "She's acting perfectly normal." Weekend Reading: Here are some blogs I have read and loved this week, so grab yourself a cold beer, glass of wine, or coffee and enjoy! How and Why to be a More Patient Parent by The Abundant Mama The Loss of Life Beneath Your Skin and How to Revive it by Hands Free Mama Elevate the Important by Joshua Becker from his blog Becoming Minimalist Why You Can't Measure ...