
Showing posts from February, 2016

Snap, Crackle, POP!

Original due date was in September, this has been adjusted after the dating scan. As usual I'm measuring large, let's hope it's not another 9+ pounder! I've decided to write this post in sections, the first part written when I was only 6 weeks pregnant and the second part I write today at 14 weeks. I forgot how awful I felt until I read my post from 8 weeks ago, thank god that's over with!!! Part One- 6 Weeks Pregnant: And I'm pregnant. And I'm sick. And I'm tired. And I have a superhuman sense of smell. Did I mention I was sick? I thought the second pregnancy was supposed to be easier because your body was used to the hormones from the first one. This is not true. I don't know if there are two babies in there or what but the symptoms I had with Cyril feel ten times worse this time around. And what is with this super sense of smell? The other day I nearly gagged and told Josh, "Smell my hand, it smells like wood and it's making...