Breast is Best ... Or Is It?

I'm sure I sound like a broken record at this point and I'm positive Josh is tired of my constant feeding updates, she latched on today but didn't empty the breast, she refused to latch on, the midwife thinks it's a lost cause, the lactation consultant thinks its tongue tie, the health visitor thinks I should try her with a nipple shield, supportive friends tell me to reach for the bottle, and the frenzy in my mind continues. What if I did this? Maybe I should have ignored the midwife when she put me on the feeding schedule after Sage lost too much weight, if only I knew Helen existed earlier, why didn't I seek her out at the breastfeeding support group, how could I have missed the signs of thrush? Did I do everything I could? Am I missing valuable bonding time with both children because of this feeding obsession? STOP! You are enough, you've done enough, you've gone above and beyond this time. When things first started to unravel at day 5, with the ...