Ten reasons I love my husband more than my children:

1. If I told him I would rather he suck on my nipple then suck on a silicone teat there would be no arguement, he would 100% prefer the real teat to the fake one and if my breasts needed a rest from aggressive eating he'd happily come back when I'd recovered. 2. If I handed him a blue cup rather than an orange one he would not scream at the top of his lungs at me and fall to the ground sobbing because I hadn't realised his colour preference. As long as the cup had beer I'd be worshipped. 3. If he woke up at night hungry and I said, not tonight honey I need my sleep he'd be totally fine with that. 4. He never fights naps, naps are awesome and he does a happy dance whenever it's nap time. He's never once turned down a nap or kicked me in the breasts because I told him it was nap time. 5. I chose my husband. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, and although we chose to have children we didn't hand pick them. They arrived with their own unique persona...