23 Weeks
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Batty About Baby Tee |
Total weight gain/loss? 12.8 pounds, gained 0.8 last week.
Maternity clothes? Yes, they're just way more comfortable. I need to buy some maternity leggings though, hopefully I can find some holiday themed ones :)
Stretch Marks? Nope, my Mama Mio tummy rub must be keeping them at bay.
Sleep? Not the best, still getting up every night to use the bathroom. Last night I finally decided to get out of bed at 4:30 and have a shower. I was up feeling guilty about not being able to stomach healthy food, like vegetables and worrying that the baby would have a nutritional deficiency, I blame my mother for all this worrying!
Best Moment this Week? Finishing the telephone seat and club chair for Jess's photography, will post photos after they've been taken professionally.
Worst Moment this Week? I would have to say Hobson's walk last weekend, although I pretty much laughed the whole walk so it wasn't that terrible. We set out on an unfamiliar footpath to try and get rid of Hobo's energy. Unfortunately, it had been raining all weekend so the rivers were flooded and the fields full of muck and cow poo which Hobson made short work of as his afternoon snack. First, we had to cross a stream that shouldn't have existed, which resulted in wet feet. Then, just as we were about to make our journey back to the car we came to a ford, which normally would be passable if it wasn't completely flooded and raging with huge rapids so we were left with no choice but to turn back as darkness closed in around us. On our way back we took another short-cut which ended up being flooded so Josh had to help me climb over a barbed wire fence, not exactly the safest thing when you're 22 weeks pregnant but there you go. Josh had to pick up Hobson and chuck him over the fence, his face was priceless as he flew through the air and landed, safely, on all 4 paws. Then just as I thought Hobson couldn't get any dirtier he face planted while going over a stile and ended up with mud and poo all over his face, back, stomach, legs, and I think you get the picture. He was essentially covered in shit. I had to shampoo him 3 times when we got home. I really wish I had photos but it was raining so my camera wouldn't work any more if I had taken it with me.
Worst Moment this Week? I would have to say Hobson's walk last weekend, although I pretty much laughed the whole walk so it wasn't that terrible. We set out on an unfamiliar footpath to try and get rid of Hobo's energy. Unfortunately, it had been raining all weekend so the rivers were flooded and the fields full of muck and cow poo which Hobson made short work of as his afternoon snack. First, we had to cross a stream that shouldn't have existed, which resulted in wet feet. Then, just as we were about to make our journey back to the car we came to a ford, which normally would be passable if it wasn't completely flooded and raging with huge rapids so we were left with no choice but to turn back as darkness closed in around us. On our way back we took another short-cut which ended up being flooded so Josh had to help me climb over a barbed wire fence, not exactly the safest thing when you're 22 weeks pregnant but there you go. Josh had to pick up Hobson and chuck him over the fence, his face was priceless as he flew through the air and landed, safely, on all 4 paws. Then just as I thought Hobson couldn't get any dirtier he face planted while going over a stile and ended up with mud and poo all over his face, back, stomach, legs, and I think you get the picture. He was essentially covered in shit. I had to shampoo him 3 times when we got home. I really wish I had photos but it was raining so my camera wouldn't work any more if I had taken it with me.
Miss Anything? My family. I wish we all lived closer together, it's especially difficult to not have my family around when we're about to have a baby and don't have the slightest clue as to what we're doing! Thank goodness Josh's family isn't too far away, and we have the best neighbour in the world that lives across the street who can't wait to babysit :)
Movement? Yes, he usually kicks after I eat lunch, however I think he was comatosed yesterday with that 1400 calorie meal I had, and I'm not sharing what I ate either because it's too embarrassing!
Food Cravings? I don't really have many cravings, just aversions. I suppose macaroni and cheese is the one craving I have aside from milk, but someone told me milk isn't really a craving.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? Yes, a lot of things but I usually feel the worst in the evening.
Gender? Boy
Labour signs? No
Symptoms? Backache and heart burn, I've also been pretty emotional this week.
Belly button in or out? In by about 2mm
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Halloween party this weekend, girl's night in with Josh's sister, and of course we leave for Tenerife on Tuesday!!!! I can't wait to relax by the pool/beach in the sunshine and get some much needed Vitamin D for baby boy.
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