26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks 4 days. I'm a bit late with the posting, our holiday put me back a bit :)
Total weight gain/loss? 17.4 pounds, and I am starting to feel the difference. I can now understand why overweight people find it so difficult to climb up the stairs! When I get to the top of even a short flight of stairs I'm out of breath, it's not easy carrying around this extra weight.
Maternity clothes? The jeans I'm wearing are my faithful Gap maternity jeans but the t-shirt, courtesy of Josh's sister, and the cardigan, from Target, are not maternity and they still fit, although as you can see from the photo I have not buttoned the cardigan all the way ;)
Stretch Marks? None yet, I'm praying that if I can continue on a gradual weight gain they won't appear however I know I haven't officially "popped" yet so it is possible they'll come later.
Sleep? Two nights ago I was up half the night stressing about the house (surprise, surprise) and scouring the internet for rental properties that allow dogs, which is no easy task. However, Josh has agreed that we need to move out by the 1st of January, if we find a suitable rental, which put my mind at ease and I slept soundly last night for the first time since I became pregnant, and I feel really alert today.
Best Moment this Week? Passing my UK driving test! Not only did I pass, I got a clean sheet, which my driving instructor said she had never seen before and that only 1 in 200,000 people in the UK get no faults when taking their driving test, and Josh always says he's afraid to drive with me, haha. Actually, the last time I drove he told me I drive like my mother, slow.
Worst Moment this Week? Realizing that we have no choice but to move out of our house :( It will not be fun to pay mortgage and rent but as my sister Sarah said, "Nothing lasts forever, this is only temporary." Josh and I have been through a lot together these past 8 years, and we always manage to get through every difficult time because we have each other, and I wouldn't trade our happy relationship and family for anything in the world, not even a mansion in Montecito, although that is tempting right about now ;)
Worst Moment this Week? Realizing that we have no choice but to move out of our house :( It will not be fun to pay mortgage and rent but as my sister Sarah said, "Nothing lasts forever, this is only temporary." Josh and I have been through a lot together these past 8 years, and we always manage to get through every difficult time because we have each other, and I wouldn't trade our happy relationship and family for anything in the world, not even a mansion in Montecito, although that is tempting right about now ;)
Miss Anything? Massachusetts and my family. I really wish my mom and sisters were here to go baby shopping with. I actually haven't even done any baby shopping, partly because I don't have the finances to do so at the moment, and partly because it's just not as much fun to go by yourself.
Movement? Yes I felt him hiccup the other night or at least I think it was hiccups. It didn't feel like his regular kicks and punches because it was regular and repetitive and not as forceful as it normally is.
Food Cravings? Yogurt, meatball grinders, but again I don't really think they're cravings because it's not like I have to have them, I just enjoy eating them.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? I'm still not very interested in meat, although we will be cooking a turkey for our mini Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday, and when I say mini it's just going to be Josh and I, haha.
Gender? Boy
Labour signs? No
Symptoms? Heart burn and I'm not sure if this is a symptom but my hair has been ridiculously staticy lately. I actually can't wear it down at the moment because it sticks to everything, it's infuriating.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? This week it's been 50/50
Looking forward to: Getting moved out of our house and into a place with proper heating, it was soooo cold this week.
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
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