32 Weeks
How far along? 32 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? 26.6 pounds, yikes! It looks like Christmas and the New Year really contributed to some weight gain. I did weigh myself in the evening and normally I do it in the morning but now I'm just making excuses. I was hoping to only put on 30 pounds but with 8 weeks left to go it looks like I'll be closer to the higher end of average. At my last appointment the midwife said the baby was just above average for weight at about 4 pounds, which means I'm not having a 6 pound baby!
Maternity clothes? Yes, there is no way I can wear regular clothes at this point.
Stretch Marks? Still none. I've switched from Mama Mio to an all natural organic shea butter that my brother Matty sent me from Olympia and it is glorious!
Best Moment this Week? Hands down the spa break Josh's mom bought us for Christmas and my surprise baby shower after a day of pampering! The decorations were gorgeous and it was amazing to catch up with family and friends.
Worst Moment this Week? Josh leaving for Germany, I absolutely hate being alone, thankfully I have Hobson, a warm house, and enough house cleaning to keep me busy for the next decade.
Worst Moment this Week? Josh leaving for Germany, I absolutely hate being alone, thankfully I have Hobson, a warm house, and enough house cleaning to keep me busy for the next decade.
Miss Anything? SLEEP! Despite the fact that our bed at the spa hotel was one of the most comfortable beds I've ever slept in, I still was wide awake at 3am both nights.
Movement? Yes, although it's not as frequent, probably due to limited space. Some of the movements are really painful and others don't bother me. The midwife said he's in the correct position for birth and the body part that likes to hang out on my right hand side is most likely his knees.
Food Cravings? Milk and juice, does that count?
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? No, I'm feeling pretty good at the moment!
Gender? Boy
Labour signs? Just a few practice contractions here and there but otherwise nothing.
Symptoms? Going to the bathroom every 5 seconds, heartburn lower back pain, and insomnia.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Ordering the major items for the nursery.
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
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