37 Weeks
How far along? 37 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss? 29.8 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, but it's a bad sign when your maternity clothes no longer fit you, in fact I'm going to change out of these jeans and shirt in a minute and put on my stretch pants and a stretchy dress!
Stretch Marks? No, thank goodness. I'm beginning to wonder if I might be part of the lucky 10% of women that don't actually get stretch marks, if that proves to be true I will rejoice, especially since I feel the odds were stacked heavily against me since everyone else in my family had stretch marks while pregnant, and my bump is quite large at this point, OK it's MASSIVE!
Sleep? Eh, some nights it's stupendous, other nights I'm awake at 3am and usually have to go downstairs for a snack and some light reading before trying to get back to sleep. I haven't been able to lie on my back for weeks because it makes me dizzy and lightheaded so I am officially forced to sleep on my left or right side.
Worst Moment this Week? The constant itching.
Miss Anything? Being able to sit up comfortably. I find that I can't even sit without feeling lightheaded and I'm pretty sick of lying down all the time!
Movement? Yes, he must still have a lot of room because he's still quite active. Although, he definitely has longer periods of rest these days.
Food Cravings? No but I'm obsessed with taking baths at the moment, I think I have one a day.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? No.
Date and Weight Prediction? I predict February 21 with a weight of 7.5 pounds
Labour signs? Yes, which is why I moved up my due date prediction. I actually thought we might be making a trip to Newcastle last night but I feel completely normal today so I guess it was a false alarm. I had one sign last night that means labour is imminent but when I read about it in my pregnancy book it said that when you get this sign labour could begin in a couple hours or a couple weeks, which doesn't sound imminent to me in fact it doesn't really narrow it down much at all. Will see what the midwife says at my appointment on Friday.
Symptoms? Extreme itchiness, leg cramps, and feeling thirsty all the time.
Belly button in or out? It's not really in or out, I would say it's just flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to: Thai takeout on Friday night and of course the birth, the anticipation is killing me!
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
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