38 Weeks
How far along? 38 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? 29.8+ pounds, I haven't weighed myself this week but I've been eating like it's going out of style so I'm sure it will be higher than that!
Maternity clothes? Yes, I've been living in stretch pants and this new nursing dress that I bought from Frugi, it's 100% organic, adorable in my opinion, and super comfortable! I also couldn't resist buying Cyril a couple outfits. My favourite are these Owl Dungarees.
Stretch Marks? No, and I just found out that my mom never had stretch marks with any of her 5 children, and I weighed 10 pounds 12 ounces, so perhaps it is genetic and we fall into the lucky 10%. I've also been slathering on shea buttter because my stomach is constantly itchy these days!
Sleep? It depends. Early Saturday Cyril gave me a kick to the ribs at 530am that woke me up and had me doubled over in pain, it felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. This morning, I had 2 of what must have been my first "practice contractions". I'm still not sure if what I'm feeling is Braxton Hicks or not but this felt like the worst stomach cramp I've ever had in my life from exercising, my whole stomach felt tight. I knew that if I could move, and they went away, that they must be practice, however I was in so much pain I almost woke Josh up to ask if he could roll me over. I managed to roll over on my own however, and the pain went away instantly. We'll see what tonight brings, fortunately I don't have to wake up for anything in the morning :)

Worst Moment this Week? Standing in line at the beach for 30 minutes waiting for a damn hot chocolate with cream and flake. By the time we got to the front of the queue I was ready to strangle the guy working the counter, I don't understand how people work so slowly, oh yeah, it's England, they work slowly because they can't get fired, and if they did get fired they'd probably be better off and happy to be on benefits. OK that's a gross generalisation but come on people, how long does it take to serve fast food and drinks from a stand, my pregnancy hormones just couldn't handle this guys speed today.
Miss Anything? I think I miss my core muscles the most, it's really difficult to roll over at night and get up when I've been lying down, but I have a post pregnancy workout from Tracy Anderson, that non-pregnant people find challenging, so I plan to have my abdominal muscles back as quick as possible.
Movement? Yes, but they're more rolls at this point and I can usually see his foot sticking out on my right side, which Josh and I enjoy poking and tickling, basically we just like to torture the little guy :)
Food Cravings? I may have had my first craving, chocolate chip cookies. Actually I really just wanted the cookie dough, but Josh is on a diet, so I decided not to make homemade chocolate chip cookies because that would have been torture. I bought a box instead, and to be honest the craving was gone by the time I got home and I have yet to open the package.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? No.
Date and Weight Prediction? I predict March 4th weighing 8 pounds. I actually want him to hold out until March 4th now because my midwife is on holiday until March 3rd. Even though I'm giving birth at the hospital, and not with this midwife, she will be the one who visits me for 10 days at home to make sure I'm doing alright. If she's on holiday, I'll have another midwife coming, and I don't like my back-up midwife nearly as much as Sarah. Also, Sarah is retiring this year so it would be really sad if she didn't get to help me in the early days with the baby. However, she does run the friday group for new mums and babies at the centre and I plan to attend that every week.

Symptoms? The worst heartburn, going to the bathroom every 5 seconds, congestion, and being just plain tired, am I making you want to get pregnant or what?!
Belly button in or out? In, I don't think it'll pop out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to: Meeting our little boy :)
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