3 Weeks
The difference between this week and last is shocking. I guess people are right when they say the first two weeks are horrendous, once you get past those 14 sleepless nights things really do get easier.
First, I haven't cried once since we switched to bottle feeding. Initially I thought I would be depressed and regret our decision. While I do occasionally feel guilty it's nothing in comparison to the guilt I felt before when I resented having to feed our little boy. When we switched to the bottle I felt like I bonded with Cyril instantly, suddenly I couldn't get enough of his precious face. I also felt like I could leave our house, aka the prison cell. The day after switching we took a long walk. I now walk Cyril and Hobson everyday. I also meet up with a friend, who has a 7 week old, every Monday for a walk and lunch. We attend a play group on Thursdays and we'll be starting baby massage the end of April.
Cyril's getting into a sleep routine and because he can take in more milk with the bottle I'm no longer waking up every 1-2 hours to feed him. Instead he eats every 3 hours during the day and can go between 3-5 hours at night. Last night I managed to get 9 hours of sleep! I went to bed at 7, Cyril woke up at 1030 to eat, then we both slept until 230, he had his midnight snack and didn't wake up for breakfast until 630, it was glorious!
Last weekend, Josh, Cyril, Hobson and I went to Grasmere. It was our first family outing since he was born. If I was still breastfeeding I would have refused to go. However, we found it quite easy to give Cyril his bottle in the coffee shop. We then walked around the lake and finished the day at our favourite pub where I felt really tipsy after a pint and a half, thank god Josh was driving. Cyril also felt tipsy after his 4 oz of milk.

Cyril loves to chew on his fingers, bib, your fingers, and of course his pacifier. He also loves to sleep on his tummy and go for long walks in the Bjorn carrier, best gift ever! He's awake now for most of the day, only taking 4 one hour naps. Usually when he's awake he just looks around. He also likes to look at himself in the mirror and he smiles a lot. This morning when I put Cyril in Josh's arms he gave his papa the biggest smile I've seen yet. I think he missed him since he's been away for 2 days.
Cyril also had a big day on Tuesday when he had his photos taken by Bubbaloo photography in Worsley, I'll post some pics once we have them.
We're much happier as a family now and we just love our little bundle.
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