40 Weeks
How far along? 40 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 34 pounds, ugh, I was only hoping to gain 30 pounds total. I read that my weight gain should stop or even drop at this point, I guess I'm not one of the lucky few that this happens to! I'm not sure how much weight you lose on delivery day but I'm hoping it's a good 20+ pounds, otherwise I'm in for a lot of hard work in the exercise and diet department.

Stretch Marks? No, but I'm anxious to get him out before any appear. This week I tried a new product from Lush called, the Hottie. It's supposed to warm and relax sore muscles and since my back has been killing me I was willing to try anything short of actually laying on lava rocks. After my bath I slathered the massage bar liberally all over my body. I then went into our bedroom to have a tidy up when I suddenly felt tingling all over my body, I thought to myself, is this a sign of labour? What the hell is going on? It can't be this massage bar as it's all natural. I then looked at my arms and legs which had broken out in a red rash and began to panic. Fortunately, I grabbed a magazine from the shop that listed all of the ingredients. Apparently the bar contains black pepper and ginger which boost circulation to the skin and can cause a rash. After scratching for a good 30 minutes, the rash went away but my back was still killing me. Despite all of this I've continued to use the bar, although only on my back, and guess what, my back is still killing me!
Sleep? Hit or miss as usual, last night was good, the night before I had Braxton Hicks contractions for a good 4 hours so sleep wasn't exactly pleasant.
Best Moment this Week? Honestly my life is pretty dull at the moment so I really can't think of anything. I had an amazing double chocolate chunk cookie from the bakery and a couple sips of Josh's beer last night so I suppose either of those could be the best moment this week.
Worst Moment this Week? Going to the midwife and hearing that he still hadn't engaged in the pelvis, I told Cyril this morning that it was time to pack his bags and move out, obviously he's in a 5 star environment because he's not budging. Josh said I'm feeding him too well, haha.
Worst Moment this Week? Going to the midwife and hearing that he still hadn't engaged in the pelvis, I told Cyril this morning that it was time to pack his bags and move out, obviously he's in a 5 star environment because he's not budging. Josh said I'm feeding him too well, haha.
Miss Anything? I really want to get back into the climbing gym, we've been discussing how this will be possible once Cyril arrives :/
Movement? Yes, but not as often as before, I've actually had to start counting the movements to make sure that everything is still OK in there as I don't notice them as often as before.
Food Cravings? Not really, but I was in the mood for buttermilk pancakes and guess what, Josh made them for me :) Sadly we used the last of our maple syrup and will have to wait another month until my parents replenish the supply.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? Not that I can think of.
Date and Weight Prediction? Hopefully soon and weighing no more than 8 pounds, I'm very uncomfortable and ready to cuddle with our little lamb :)
Labour signs? I had a contraction at the midwife appointment, which I actually didn't notice but the midwife could feel the tightening when she was feeling the baby, so I now know what it feels like. Since the appointment I've noticed quite a few contractions, each which have lasted 30 seconds to a minute and have been coming somewhat regularly but I haven't found them painful and they usually go away after a couple hours.
Symptoms? I caught Josh's cold so at the moment I'm not feeling so hot. Otherwise, I have terrible back pain around my shoulder blades, a bit of heartburn, cramping, and a stuffy nose.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but I've been taking them off more frequently after a friend suggested not to wear them during labour in case there is an emergency and the doctor needs to cut the rings off.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to: I'd say getting my life back but somehow I have a feeling that my old life is now a distant memory so I'll reword it and say that I'm looking forward to our new little family that will start as soon as Cyril decides to make an appearance :)
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
Chalkboard idea and pregnancy questions came from littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com
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