Easter Weekend and Several Milestones
This weekend started off without a hitch, that is until the sat nav took us through Scarborough and we had to endure an extra 15 minutes of crying on our detour, at which point I instructed Josh to put on Iron & Wine which ended up reminding us all of the delivery suite, even Cyril, as his crying escalated the deeper we delved into the album. I actually felt nauseous upon hearing Shepherd's Dog and Josh said he was having heart palpatations. We both envisioned Cyril trying to sort out the familiarity of the song until he came to the epiphany and began wailing louder saying "Good god no, that was the worst day of my life!" Needless to say we arrived at the rental in a somewhat frantic state. However this was soon alleviated by the gorgeous vista on our doorstep, even Hobo was impressed as he enthusiastically marked his territory just beyond the patio. After a few of his signature scratches, which threw grass in Josh's face, he spotted a rabbit in the distance and was off running deep into the woods towards the cliff. For some reason this didn't faze Josh or I, perhaps we've grown accustomed to Hobo's antics or more accurately we couldn't deal with him at the moment and simply hoped for the best. Fortunately Hobo came bounding back towards the house after he'd recovered from his impulsive moment.
Three hours of crying later, and two very exhausted parents, we stumbled into bed and awoke to Cyril's cries and the most gorgeous sunrise over the ocean. I cried a little inside when we realised we had no coffee but Josh soon rectified this by making the suggestion that we walk into town to a cafe. That would have been a genius idea if we lived in America but after walking 3 miles to town we realised that most coffee shops aren't open until after 9am. All was not lost as it was a gorgeous day and Cyril was remarkably content.
We arrived back to the rental at 11am, although it felt more like 5pm since we'd been up for nearly 6 hours, and managed to log 12 miles on our fitbit, woo hoo! At this point I released josh of his duties, so he could have a surf, and the boys and I settled down for a lovely nap. Most of the holiday continued in this fashion with a few beers thrown in for good measure. We couldn't have picked a better weekend as the weather was gorgeous.

Cyril's reached several milestones since my last post. He pretty much rolls from his front to his back on a daily basis, although I've had to be careful with that on this holiday because hobo dragged in thorns and nettles after his escapade with the rabbit, I actually got "nettled" while changing Cyril and am wondering if that rash on the back of Cyril's neck came from the same nettle that stung me.
I think he's finally sorted his days and nights out as he has one long stretch of sleep nearly every night that is anywhere from 5 to 8 hours long. His schedule is also pretty predictable, I say he's like clock work. As soon as the clock strikes 7 am he's awake and rooting, he guzzles down 5-6 ounces and then we begin our morning routine which consists of massage, yoga, naked time and getting dressed. At 10 he's ready for another feed and then he's down for his long nap from 1130. He feeds again no later than 2 and then has another hour or so nap in the afternoon before his 5 o'clock feed. At about 6 he gets fussy, this usually lasts until he passes out cold at 8 or 9 and then he sleeps pretty soundly until he wakes for his feed at 3/4 am and then it's up at 7 again to start a new day, are you still sure you want children??

There were so many other stories I wanted to share from this weekend but sadly I'm finding it difficult to keep up with the blog, hopefully this will get easier as the weeks go by. I will leave you with this however, Cyril experienced his first form of abuse when Josh was taking off his fitbit while burping him, apparently Cyril started to wiggle out of Josh's hands and he instinctively reached to grab him, before he dropped him on the floor of the truck, when the metal part of the fitbit scraped along Cyril's head, Josh said he has yet to hear a scream like it, he felt so bad but I told him it'll be the first of many and later that night I bumped his head :)
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