Summer Bucket List

(Photo taken while pregnant in Paris but the background just sums up summer for me! OK so I was desperate for a photo I haven't shared yet because I'm finally finishing up this post that I started 3 weeks ago, as Cyril sleeps on me,
and I can't get to my computer where all my summer pics are!)

Just upon hearing the word summer my heart skips a beat and butterflies swarm my stomach in excitement. It brings me back to my childhood where I sat with friends sucking on an icy cold Popsicle as we stared at the clock counting down the seconds until that little bell rang signalling freedom for 12 glorious weeks.

You see for my brothers and I summer camp, and even worse, summer school didn't exist because the farm was full of enticing activities to keep us occupied with. To my mom, camp was a waste of money and rightly so, why fork over $400 a week when there's always someone around to keep a watchful eye, if not my parents, they'd ask one of the Jamacians on our farm to babysit, or better yet Heather and Sarah. I'm pretty sure when my sisters were told to babysit they shuddered in horror because we were the most rambunctious kids around! If we weren't throwing frogs at Sarah we were locking us all out of the house and "accidentally" dropping the key behind the step where it could only be retrieved by a fishing pole or broom handle if lucky. Anyway, perhaps not for my annoyed sisters, but life on the farm during the summer months was glorious to my brothers and I. There were swimming lessons to attend, flashlight and barn tag to play, Popsicles to eat, fireflies to catch, forts to build, mud to slide in (because our mother refused to buy a slip n' slide), BBQ's aplenty and when we got bored of that frogs and mud to torment our older sisters with! Of course we also fought like no other but I try to push those memories out of my mind.

Either way you look at it living in the country and growing up on a farm was amazing as a child and now that Josh and I live in farm country we can't wait to watch Cyril grow up in a safe place where he has the freedom to explore the outdoors with his friends. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, he's still my baby boy after all so for the time being this bucket list will be enjoyed as a family of 3!

1. Swimming, swimming, and more swimming!
2. Surf our little hearts out
3. Hiking with the poco premium
4. Spa Day for me
5. Take Cyril to the beach
6. Camping, this might not be possible but we can still pretend with Cyril's little pop up tent.
7. A visit to Grandpa's farm complete with a horse and wagon ride
8. Lots of cuddles with Matt and Ami's new addition to the family
9. A night out in NYC with Benny and Lane
10. BBQ with the whole family and friends (minus Josh) in Massachusetts
11. Invite my new friends and their babies over for some fun!
12. Take Cyril to the creamy for his first taste of ice cream
13. Have a night out with my husband without the baby in tow, and yes we are looking for sitters! Let's just say our love life isn't quite the same with this 14 lb addition and we're desperate for a couple hours alone!
14. An outdoor rock climbing session
15. Yoga on the beach, am I asking too much?
16. Last but not least a glorious pint of BBC on my parents deck while grandpa, grandma, or any other of the dozen relatives I have around cuddles with Cyril!


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