Three Months of Handsome
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Two Weeks Old |
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One Month Old |

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Two Months Old |
Cyril and I have quite the social schedule these days for those of you that are curious:
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3 Months with his girlfriend at Bumps & Bundles |
Monday- Swimming lessons at Orton Grange followed by lunch and a walk with the girls and dogs
Tuesday- House cleaning, napping with Cyril, and walks with Hobson
Wednesday- Next week we start buggy fitness in Penrith, I'm hoping I can rediscover my abs!
Thursday- We had baby massage but it was getting to be too much, so now it's lunch at Booths followed by Bumps and Bundles, a social group, in Penrith.
Friday- Either baby sensory or baby sign language, still deciding
Now, I'm not sure if it's all the social groups and stimulation I provide to Cyril or what but he is one alert baby, I mean when he is awake he wants to talk, laugh, practice rolling over, hit the shit out of his toys, kick Hobson if he gets too close, and of course scratch his eyeballs out because poor Mama isn't the best at grooming him! He is also a champ at tummy time, with his back muscles I am convinced that if he doesn't become a pro surfer he will be an elite athlete of some sort, as Josh says when I ask him why labour was so difficult and long for me, he always says, "Tat, for christ's sake, he was born full grown, he already has teeth and is practicing acrobatics not to mention he was a whopping 9 pounds!"
Another positive is that Cyril can swim like a fish, he now loves the pool and doesn't even blink when I dunk him under the water, and the best part is that when we get home from swimming he is EXHAUSTED, which means mama gets to have a glass of wine while he drifts soundly into his sleep for the night.
Which brings me to my next point, he sleeps like a baby, except babies don't really sleep, so he sleeps like his Daddy/Papa does when he's had one too many pints of cider. The majority of the time he sleeps from 7pm until 7am with a 10 minute feed around 3am. Unfortunately I find it impossible to fall back asleep after I feed him at 3, Josh told me that I need to go downstairs and have a drink on those nights. I finally have his naps sorted as well and you know what for a baby that completely baffled me when he first arrived I really think I'm getting the hang of this whole mother thing. We're starting to understand each other and I think part of that is due to the fact that he has a routine now. As Josh tells me, "You're the most laid back control freak I've ever known." I'm not really sure how you can be laid back and a control freak but I would describe myself in that way as well. For example, Cyril and I have a routine, although somewhat loose, it's still a routine:
Between 630 and 730 Cyril wakes up for the day, I let him have a kick on his playmat while I prepare his milk and my coffee. If he's content I wash and sterilise the bottles and prepare everything for the day, I'm so adept at this that what once took me close to an hour to prepare now takes me a mere 15 minutes.
745 we walk Hobson, and now that he's in his big boy pram he loves to look around at all the farms, just like his Grandpa Karas does. While we walk I like to sing, "Old Grandpa Karas had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, and on that farm he has a dog named Lucas, E-I-E-I-O ...
830-845, Cyril begins to pull his ears, yawn and rub his eyes, signalling to me that if I don't get him upstairs right away he's going to throw a bitch fit. Dodey (Binky for all you Americans) in his mouth, a gentle rock and a lullaby from mama and he's in his crib fast asleep by 9am at the latest. I then allow him to sleep as long as his little heart desires which is usually 45 minutes to an hour. This is when I clean the shit out of the house and probably the reason I've nearly lost all my pregnancy weight, for me cleaning comes before breakfast because I hate clutter. I've had one too many mornings without breakfast, and come to think of it I only just managed to squeeze in a bit of lunch every now and again.
10-1045 he has brunch, which he usually guzzles down.
Depending on our schedule he has a swim or some form of playtime before he gets cranky around 1130.
1130-2 is when he has his long nap, and if I'm home I usually join him. If we're out the only way I can get him to have a snooze is the moby wrap otherwise he's too alert and looks around at everything and then he gets way overtired and cranky and I usually end up with a bloody chest thanks to his claws!
2-215 Afternoon snack followed by some form of play, walk, swim, etc
430-5 Another nap
500 He basically has a Sunday roast every night because he usually downs 2 bottles or 12 ounces before bed
530: Bath, massage, pyjamas, story (If he's not too cranky which he usually is) more milk
7pm: Bedtime
Someone just discovered he has feet! |
I suppose I'm laid back in that I don't get worked up over every little thing, and a little pee on the floor doesn't bother me. I'm also extremely patient with him, which I think all mothers have to be with their babies. I've also been really flexible with everything, when breastfeeding didn't work, we switched to bottles, when he got bad nappy rash, I tried disposables (we're back to reusables now), when he wakes up at 3am I don't fret, I think, one day I'll look back and crave these peaceful moments in the night when it was just the two of us, his face cuddled into my chest. Now let's be realistic if he was waking up 4 times at night again I might not be so kind ;) I try to live every moment with him to the fullest because time is going by way too fast.
Lastly, I want to applaud all the mothers in America who go back to work after 3 months because I would be a blubbering mess if I had to drop Cyril off at daycare right now, the separation anxiety would kill me. Don't get me wrong there are days when I think work sounds really good but the majority of the time I am grateful that I get to spend 9 more months with my baby boy.
This week I'd like to give a special shout out to one of my best friends, Courtney Grace on her marriage to Eric Gass.
And to my brother Matthew and Fiance Ami, on the arrival of their gorgeous baby boy, Huckleberry River Karas, arriving 5 weeks early and weighing a whopping 5 pounds 12 ounces!
For those of you who came just for the photos:

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