I'm finding it very difficult to keep up with my blogging these days. On the one hand, I desperately want to record these special moments and share them with friends and family from afar but on the other hand i'm finding time far too precious these days to allocate anytime to regular blogging. When did Cyril become 19 weeks old? Where has that time gone, how could it have possibly gone so quick? When he was days old, and I was in excruciating pain, the days seemed to last an eternity. Now that we're making real strides, the day seems over before it's even begun. And then there's my husband, yes I am actually married, although some days it just seems like we coexist under the same roof. I'm not saying this negatively, but when one of you has worked a really long hard day in the office, and the other has changed about 10 nappies, played 15 rounds of peek-a-boo, sung every nursery rhyme known to mankind, endured endless crying, walked both dog and baby to exhaustion, and carted the baby here there and everywhere, there just isn't much energy left for conversation never mind a romantic meal, what's that again? Some nights the TV is too much for me to bear and I just want to stare blissfully into space and think about nothing. Then there are the rare nights when we do manage to eat together, and heaven forbid enjoy a glass of wine, only to hear the all to familiar whining coming from the monitor. To say things have changed would be an understatement.

However, as many things have changed remarkably just as many have stayed the same and there certainly is never a dull moment with projectile poo and vomiting to contend with. Shockingly Josh and I still manage to surf, rock climb, and hike. We've also sorted out our schedules so that we each have 2 nights a week of exercise to ourselves, sadly it means we see each other even less but we try to make up for it during family fun time on the weekends.
At the end of the day both Josh and I are big kids at heart, and I've never given up my obsession with the swing set at playgrounds, so we both know that as Cyril gets older, and his body catches up with his brain, we have a lot of fun to be had as a family, that is until baby number two arrives ...
In the meantime I'll do my best to squeeze in a blog here and there when Cyril's napping and we're not out gallivanting :)
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