Six Months
I feel like I can't post these quickly enough these days, I've already missed month 5 and am now halfway into month six and probably would have forgotten about it all together if it didn't get brought up while walking with a friend the other day! In truth, I started writing this a week ago so some of the text is now outdated, like the paragraph where I talk about how we have a dream sleeper. Cyril must read my blogs as I'm writing them because after I wrote that paragraph, he had 3 sleepless nights in a row. In anticipation I went to bed at 8pm last night but he's still snoozing, thank goodness because I was so exhausted yesterday that I lacked all enthusiasm during baby sensory and felt terrible for the teacher who was trying so hard to get everyone psyched for the class, maybe if she'd brought an
If you're a parent this poem is a must read, I'm warning you though, it will make you cry. After reading this I started to think about all the last times that I've already experienced with Cyril but hadn't realised they were the last until weeks even months later.
I now look back and can't remember the last time I had to wake up in the night to feed Cyril. I do remember that when Cyril was only waking up once a night I loved going in there to feed him. The house was quiet, the neighbourhood dark, and he used to keep his eyes shut during the whole feed. He looked so content in my arms, so peaceful, I often held him a few minutes longer before putting him down. Of course I had nights when I thought when will this nighttime eating be over so I can get a full night's sleep, but I now look back and I can't remember the last night I held him like that and it makes me a little sad, only a little, I'm really enjoying the full night's sleep you're giving me Cyril so if you're somehow reading this, let's not change your behaviour! This is the paragraph I was talking about above, he obviously was reading the blog and now I know that it wasn't the last time I'd be waking up to feed him and hold him at night, haha!
At six months Cyril can ...
sit up unsupported.
crawl, sometimes he can crawl really fast if he desperately wants something.
make about every pitch imaginable with his little, I mean large, voice.
bring a self loaded spoon to his mouth with food, although sometimes he misses and tries to put the food on top of his head, in the dog's mouth, down his shirt, you get the picture.
roll from one end of the room to the other.
splash at swimming and in the bathtub.
sleep on average for 12-14 hours in a row, I think we got a dream baby here, however our days are very active, we're both pretty much on the go from 8 until 5 every day and he's not one of those babies that can sleep anywhere, it needs to be dark and lacking stimulation for him to fall asleep.
grab his toes and suck on them.
still loves to be naked.
loves his family and is fascinated by Uncle Benny and Uncle Matty

likes to torment his cousin Huck.
He also ...
responds when you say his name by looking at you
is very alert and attentive
weighs in at a whopping 18 pounds 11 ounces of pure baby fat!
is 28.5"/71.5 cm tall putting him on the 91st centile line.
has dropped the pacifier habit (in other words we put all of his pacifiers in storage 5 weeks ago against his will.)
is doing baby led weaning although I'm secretly jealous of all my friends who are spoon feeding their babies because it's faster, cleaner, and they are definitely eating more food than Cyril. I'm going to stick to my guns on this one for another month and if he's not self-feeding efficiently by then we'll be spoon feeding :) Flexibility, people, flexibility!
smiles when you walk in the room, and is starting to be a little wary of strangers.
LOVES to be carried!
is one happy baby, most of the time.
Josh and I can't say enough positive things about Cyril at this age, we're absolutely loving it, the majority of the time. He's gone from an eating, pooping, throwing up and cranky blob to a baby that's happy, content, hilarious, and the best part is he has a little personality already, and you know what, I think he's going to be quite the character.
Lastly, because I don't want to forget how crazy busy I was in 3 years time, when baby 2 comes along, I'm going to list our schedule.
Monday- Swimming, tea and cake with friends (I'm on a diet at the moment, only cake for me :))
Tuesday- Baby signing in the morning, lunch, long walk, gymnastics in the afternoon.
Wednesday- Buggy fitness or catching up with friends/family
Thursday- Day out with friends at Bumps and Bundles or places around Cumbria
Friday- Baby Sensory
Weekend- Days out with Papa/Daddy :)
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