Seven Months and other Shenannigans

Cyril turned seven months old yesterday and to welcome that milestone he got his first cold. Pain is watching your seven month old battle an awful cold. Every time he coughs after eating he projectile vomits, usually on me. Just picture the exorcist because that's what it looks like. Every. Time.

My motto for giving Cyril medicine, vaccinations, food, etc is that if I would take it then I'll offer it to him. Well I rarely take medicine when I'm sick but to watch him struggle that first day without any medicine broke my heart, not to mention I was awake all night with him as if he were a newborn. We snuggled together in the guest bed, more like he snuggled his stuffed up nose, boogers, phlegm, and occasional vomit into my pyjamas and I stayed awake to make sure he was breathing. The whole night. Not that I needed to do this since it sounded like a train whistle every time he breathed but I blame first time mom syndrome dealing with baby's first illness. Anyway I digress. After that night josh stopped at the pharmacist and pretty much bought the place out. After 2 failed attempts to get him to swallow calpol Josh's mother told us to jam the tube down his throat and hold his mouth shut. This went against every instinct I had but it was midnight at this point and we were desperate. Well it was successful but only after he cried big wet tears that made my heart melt. I must admit, to someone who rarely uses medicine, this so called calpol worked a treat. After his crying spell he calmed down and went to sleep for 8 whole hours in his crib, not in mama and papa's bed! To satisfy my belief in holistic medicine we sprinkled eucalyptus oil all over his crib, pyjamas, and I even shot a few drops into the air for good measure, we're all breathing a little clearer now.

In other news, we had a lovely day out to lunch with friends on Sunday, complete with bloody mary's, burgers, and sweet potato fries. I even managed to rip the hermit away from his Manchester United game, albeit kicking and screaming, to join us, and no I'm not talking about Cyril. Josh said he had a lovely day, although I think both he and my friend's husband were a little shocked when the babies had their underwater photography done in the afternoon. Fortunately Joshua (Joanne's baby not my husband!) and Cyril were little troopers but I'm pretty sure there are a few babies that will be traumatised after that ordeal and most likely refuse to go swimming again! Unfortunately, after being dunked under water half a dozen times Cyril has a really bad cold :(

At seven months Cyril ...

is crawling like a champ and has gotten really fast at it, if we need to run upstairs he has to go in his baby bjorn travel cot for safety.

can stand up on his own if he holds onto something.

is babbling quite a bit we hear lots of dadadada, mamamama, gagagaga, bababa, and this morning when he saw Hobson it sounded like he was trying to say doggy, dagadaga.

loves to listen to stories, play with books, and on Sunday he was actually turning the pages in the book the correct way #proudmama #proudformerschoolteacher.

enjoys listening to music and his papa play the ukulele

is fascinated by the fire.

grabs onto Hobson's fur whenever he dares go near him.

sleeps with a comforter, he officially has his own rabby!

loves peek-a-boo, baths, being thrown in the air, being turned upside down.

is obsessed with labels and the finer details in his toys.

knows he's being picked up when I say ready, steady, up you come.

likes to look under things and take all of his toys out of the box and put some of them back in. His favourite toys right now are definitely his books and blocks.

is eating much better then at the beginning.

loves to eat bananas, oranges, porridge, avocado, rice cakes, apples, pears, sweet potato fries and fish but his favourite is milk by far!

A few extra pictures from this month...

This should be an ad for Booths grocery store 

Just another walk in the beautiful Lake District, complete with mud that Hobo shook all over him :)


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