What do you do for fun?
It was a simple question asked by my best friend's mom last night at dinner and it floored me. First, I can't remember the last time someone asked me that question and second I honestly didn't know what to say. I stumbled over my words as I listed out a few activities because I was too embarrassed to tell her the truth.
And the truth was I really didn't know. The first thing that honestly came to my mind was nothing and the second thing was Cyril's classes; he goes to gymnastics, swimming, painting and yoga, how fun is that? However, before I rambled on about Cyril's classes I realised she wanted to know what I did, singular, without Cyril, and that was not something I was prepared to answer without some thought.
When I became a Mama way back in 2014 I hadn't anticipated the life changing experience that was about to unfold in front of me. Josh and I denied vehemently to other parents that our lives wouldn't change, that we were different, and that everything would stay exactly the same. We weren't going to be the parents that rushed the kids home early because it was bedtime, or the ones who decided Friday night was best spent indoors cuddled up by the fire. No, we would make that surf trip, sleep in the van and wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to conquer the world. Then March 6, 2014 happened and everything got thrown out the window. To say that my life has changed would be an understatement. Every fibre of my being is different now that I'm a Mama but it's not a bad thing. At first I resisted it, and like everything when you resist the inevitable it just pushes back ten times harder. I finally came to my senses earlier this year and embraced my new job title. I knew if I didn't start to love this thing called motherhood it would catch up with me sooner or later in a really negative way. Of course there are days when I wish we could just package Cyril up and send him down to Lytham or off to America to see his grandparents for the day. But most days I watch Cyril and feel unbelievably grateful. I might never have a babysitter at the ready if I want to go to yoga, or out for a romantic meal with Josh, but something tells me in 2 years, when I drop him off for his first day of preschool, I will thank the universe that I can count on my hand how many times we have been separated. This is why it's so difficult to answer what it is that I do for fun. I'm a full-time mummy with a toddler at my side 24/7 so I can't possibly answer what I do for fun without also including Cyril.
So to my best friend's mom who was really interested in what I do for fun the answer at this point is anything that involves my boys, Josh Cyril and Hobson. (Oh and I do go to a yoga class once a week, by myself, for 90 glorious minutes while Josh spoils the boys rotten at home!)
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