Happy Easter
Cyril decided to dress himself today and insisted on wearing this hat. |
Reading We're Going on an Egg Hunt |
All of a sudden Cyril is obsessed with reading. I remember when he was about a year old and my friends used to talk about how much their children loved to read books, I used to feel ashamed because Cyril had absolutely no interest and I used to be a teacher. However, I took a laid back approach and just assumed it would come when he was ready and sure enough it came with a vengeance. At around 18 months all he wanted us to do was read to him, and not just short baby books, books with actual stories. He can sit on our laps for 20-30 minutes as we read him story after story and now he even turns the pages and pretends to read them himself. He knows the first two pages of his favourite book, so I let him read those to me, and he can fill in the blank on a couple of other favourites. Needless to say we need to increase our library as the majority of my books from teaching are in storage and most of the ones given to us were when he was a baby and are too short for him now that he has built up his reading stamina.
Difficult to see the full bump in this picture, but trust me it is there, I probably look like I'm 24 weeks pregnant at this point. |
Total weight gain/loss? Unsure, I've decided to stop weighing myself for now as the weight gain was coming more quickly then it did with Cyril and I didn't think it was healthy for me to obsess over it. Just trying to eat healthy and get exercise in when I can.
Maternity clothes? Yes, although the dress in this photo is from Jess and it's one of my favourites even though it's not maternity.
Sleep? No complaints, Cyril was much better this week so I didn't have to go in at night to give him a cuddle.
Best Moments this Week? We had a lovely Easter. Cyril was so excited to find all the eggs in the house and he loved playing with everything in his basket. Easter was a bit of a wash out so we decided to take him to Walby where he pet the rabbits, played in the soft play and watched goat racing. After we left he was so tired he passed out as soon as the engine started and we assumed the role of Sunday drivers as we explored the gorgeous Solway Firth stopping at an adorable pub on the way home. It was a lovely Easter until Josh got sick. We also had a great day climbing on Saturday. My favourite part was when Josh told me to try this problem that he thought I'd like. There were about 5 guys working on it so I waited 15 minutes hoping they'd finish. Finally we were about to leave so I asked them if I could work in on the problem. They said good luck, it's really hard. I got on the wall with my big belly and sent it straight away, I think they were a little shocked as they decided to give up after that, lol. Needless to say I am very sore today and feeling quite proud of myself that I'm managing to climb even with my bump throwing my centre of gravity off.
Worst moment this week? Having a sick husband.
Worst moment this week? Having a sick husband.
Miss Anything? I really wanted a beer at that pub, they had a great selection!
Movement? Yes, Josh even felt it the other night. This baby doesn't seem to move as much as Cyril but when it does he/she can pack a serious punch already.
Food Cravings? No cravings but also not many aversions.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? Still no fish and chips, BBQ, or pulled pork for me.
Gender Prediction? I still think it's a girl, two more weeks and we'll know for sure.
Symptoms? Getting difficult to use my abs to get out of bed, squeezing through tight spaces is a thing of the past, pants that were previously baggy are already getting tight, apparently my lower half is growing in proportion to my upper half, and I get tired more easily then I remember when I was pregnant with Cyril, but then again I only had a dog not a toddler back then.
Symptoms? Getting difficult to use my abs to get out of bed, squeezing through tight spaces is a thing of the past, pants that were previously baggy are already getting tight, apparently my lower half is growing in proportion to my upper half, and I get tired more easily then I remember when I was pregnant with Cyril, but then again I only had a dog not a toddler back then.
Belly button in or out? In but I think it'll pop this time, it looks like it's ready to pop already!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Looking Forward To: My mom coming on Wednesday, we have so many fun things planned and it'll be lovely to have some company during the day when Josh is away. Also, I think Cyril will go nuts when he sees Gaga walk through the door!
The other day Cyril shocked both of us when we were eating supper and he blurted out "cooled down" in reference to his sweet potatoes that were previously hot. He's only barely begun to use two word sentences so I thought this one was rather complex. Since then he has told me, "Mama sit down", "Hoson (Hobson) sit down", "sissy (horsey) all gone" and a few other combinations. He can also say some rather complex words perfectly like careful, airplane, chia, coffee and Joshua but then struggles with the endings on other words such as milk.
He's in the 9th centile for both height and weight coming as a shock to us. Josh and I are both tall and were never fortunate enough to be in the 9th centile for weight! However, with childhood obesity on the rise I am pleased I don't have to worry about that yet. Although I can't imagine him getting obese from yogurt, granola, fruit and avocados which is pretty much half his diet at this point. My father told me I need to feed him more of the good stuff to fatten him up like cookies, cakes and chips, haha not happening pop you can spoil him the next time you see him.
We're 95% certain he's left handed. He eats with his left hand, colours with his left hand and whenever he tries to switch his spoon to his right it always looks really awkward and he immediately puts it back in his left.
He likes to make himself dizzy and he enjoys jumping down the stairs, jumping on the bed, pushing his horse and cart, helping mama with the dishes, helping to feed hobson, and he's become rather obsessed with using a cloth to clean up any mess hmmm I wonder who he gets that from?
Looking Forward To: My mom coming on Wednesday, we have so many fun things planned and it'll be lovely to have some company during the day when Josh is away. Also, I think Cyril will go nuts when he sees Gaga walk through the door!
The other day Cyril shocked both of us when we were eating supper and he blurted out "cooled down" in reference to his sweet potatoes that were previously hot. He's only barely begun to use two word sentences so I thought this one was rather complex. Since then he has told me, "Mama sit down", "Hoson (Hobson) sit down", "sissy (horsey) all gone" and a few other combinations. He can also say some rather complex words perfectly like careful, airplane, chia, coffee and Joshua but then struggles with the endings on other words such as milk.
He's in the 9th centile for both height and weight coming as a shock to us. Josh and I are both tall and were never fortunate enough to be in the 9th centile for weight! However, with childhood obesity on the rise I am pleased I don't have to worry about that yet. Although I can't imagine him getting obese from yogurt, granola, fruit and avocados which is pretty much half his diet at this point. My father told me I need to feed him more of the good stuff to fatten him up like cookies, cakes and chips, haha not happening pop you can spoil him the next time you see him.
We're 95% certain he's left handed. He eats with his left hand, colours with his left hand and whenever he tries to switch his spoon to his right it always looks really awkward and he immediately puts it back in his left.
He likes to make himself dizzy and he enjoys jumping down the stairs, jumping on the bed, pushing his horse and cart, helping mama with the dishes, helping to feed hobson, and he's become rather obsessed with using a cloth to clean up any mess hmmm I wonder who he gets that from?
Hobo, wondering where his Easter kibble is? |
Finally Mama let me have some chocolate, I'm going to show her by going nuts in 15 minutes! |
Checking out the goodies in the basket. |
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