Little Baby Soper Turns 2

I guess it's time for a Cyril update, I think the last one I did was when he was 18  months. I'm not really sure what to say except I can foresee a future filled with trouble once he enters the teenage years. I realise I have a while to go but seeing how 2 years passed by in a flash I'm rather certain the next 11 will go very quickly. Why do I see trouble you ask?

Example A: Cyril is already an adrenaline junkie. At home he regularly jumps into the air on the stairs anticipating I'll catch him every time. On several occasions I was thrown off guard and only just managed to throw everything I was carrying in the air and grab him before he landed 5-10 steps down. I wasn't too worried about it in England but when he did the same thing at my parents house his life flashed before my eyes as my super mama powers only just managed to grab him and brace myself before we both tumbled 20 steep and slippery steps to what would have no doubt ended in an ER visit, thank goodness for travel insurance.

Example B: Personality. This kid makes me laugh every day. From the way he pronounces his words with pride and gusto (baby for benny; gaga for grandma; bapa for grandpa; tickle for sparkling orange juice) to how he cares for his rabbie (brushing her teeth, feeding her breakfast, putting make-up on her face, kissing her, and reserving a special song/language only for his lady) to his mannerisms. He is such a boy, running from room to room laughing his head off, grabbing on to Hobson's bottom and shouting "BA-MA" lifting up his shirt, my shirt, dada's shirt, the doll's shirt and proudly announcing that we all have "bama's" aka belly buttons, telling you to move if he wants you to play with him, exploring and examining every little detail, refusing to sit still during his classes because who has time to sit around and wait when life is exploding right before his eyes. I hope he never loses that curiosity.

Example C: During cuddle time, after I read him the same 4 stories in the correct order he rests his head on my shoulder and I pretend he's still a baby, that is until he jerks his head back and laughs like a crazy person as he pretends to bite my nose and then just as quickly as it all began he puts his head back on my shoulder and repeats the above about 10 times before I decide that winding down time has come to an end.

Example D: I'm sure all mother's feel this way about their children, but he's just too darn cute to not cause us trouble in the future. I have this feeling I'll have girls crawling all over the doorstep to get a moment with the kid who has amazing hair and wears radical vans who will no doubt grow up loving to rock climb, surf and skateboard because his father wouldn't catch himself dead with a child that rides a scooter at the skate park. Yes there will be bruises, and bleeding, and black eyes but those are already weekly occurrences around here so perhaps we'll all be used to it by then.

Example E: If we do ever move back to America, he'll have a British accent, and what girl doesn't swoon over that? It was the icing on the cake when this American lady (if you can call me that) first met Josh :)

So my little one, may you always be a keen explorer, adrenaline junkie like your parents, and never lose that one of a kind personality. I hope England's fashion sense never envelops you and you continue to rock your vans, mismatched clothes and long hair with pride. We love you more than anything, you'll alway be my little guy. Happy 2nd birthday, sorry I forgot to buy you another candle for your birthday ring ;)



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