21 Weeks
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Apologies for the blur and sleepy eyes, had to snag Josh before he ran off to work so took the photo with my phone. |
How far along? 21 weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain/loss? 13 pounds, yikes!!! I only gained 8 at this stage with Cyril and was 10 pounds lighter, hmmmm I guess I'm growing another giant, unless it's the daily fudge intake I had when my mom was here ;)
Maternity clothes? Yes, if they aren't maternity they don't fit. OK these leggings from lululemon aren't technically maternity but they are high-waisted and made out of cotton and quite possibly the most comfortable pants I own, too bad there's a massive hole on the inner thigh.
Stretch Marks? Not yet at least I don't think, I haven't actually examined my belly yet, chalk it down to this mama ain't got time to search for a silly pink mark with a clingy toddler in tow.
Sleep? Fabulous, still doing the night time zombie walk to the bathroom but if I keep my eyes closed I can fall straight back to sleep. I'm also doing a weekly pregnancy yoga class on Monday evenings consisting of a 30 minute meditation. When I get home I am so relaxed that I usually fall right asleep. I wish this class was offered every night!
Best Moments this Week? Well my mom left yesterday, which was pretty sad so my best moment last week was definitely our trip to Holy Island. We stayed in a lovely cottage. At high tide the road onto the island is impassable so every afternoon a calm came over the entire village. During the day we were either hiking around the island, exploring castles, visiting Edinburgh or playing chess with the best coffee and cake I've had in a while. Evenings were spent walking Hobson off lead, and only passing one or two other dog walkers, sitting by the fire, eating at one of the 3 pubs in town, cooking or watching a movie. Sadly on our last day we were rushing to get the car packed before the tide came in and left us stranded on the island for a further 5 hours, and I completely forgot to pick up Hobson's poo from the previous evening and morning in the garden. When we got home I received an email from the owners saying we were no longer welcome to come back to Eider Duck Cottage because the gardner had to pick up the 3 poos we left behind. I was very apologetic for my forgetfulness but the owner refused to back down on her decision. In the end we decided it was probably for the best anyway as we wouldn't want to stay in a place that is looking for every little thing that is out of place, especially with a toddler. I decided it was probably best to keep my mouth shut about the wooden egg cup Hobson consumed, lol.
Miss Anything? Lazy days on the island with my mom and Josh who has now returned from a stress-free vacation to a pile of work
Movement? Movement seems to increase by the day and is more pronounced after my morning cup of coffee, when I eat something sweet, and right before I go to sleep. I still feel like this baby moves less then Cyril did but then it's early days.
Food Cravings? No real cravings but yesterday I made an incredible BLT after I put Cyril down for his nap and that hit the spot.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? Nope, still not eating BBQ sauce but I've hardly been nauseous this trimester at all which is a relief because I was nauseous with Cyril until I was 25 weeks pregnant. This could also be the reason I've gained more weight at this stage of my pregnancy.
Gender Prediction? We find out this evening at our 20 week scan, I still think it's a girl and Josh thinks it's a boy. However, as with last time I'm starting to doubt my initial prediction. Either way we have 2 great names picked out.
Labour signs? No
Symptoms? Pelvic girdle pain, getting worse by the week. It was pretty awful yesterday and I think it's from carrying Cyril. I really need to try to carry him less but it's just so hard when he looks up at me with those big blue eyes and arms outstretched and says, "Mama, carry you." When I say I can't carry you right now because my pelvis is too sore he then says, "Mama, cuddle, cuddle." at which point I cave and lift him up. However, I also didn't do my exercises when my mom was here and last night after yoga the pelvic girdle pain was gone so I think I just need to get back into my pregnancy exercise routine to help keep it at bay. I really need it to stay away as long as possible especially as Josh is leaving for a week when I'm 37 weeks pregnant, I might need to enlist some help during that time.
Belly button in or out? In, but only just I really think it's going to pop this time, and sooner rather than later.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender tonight and seeing baby again. Thank you mar mar and gan gan for watching Cyril so we can go to our appointment without having to tell Cyril not to touch all the buttons and cords hooked to the ultrasound!
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