23 Weeks With Baby Girl

I'm not usually crazy about pregnant belly photos but what the hell this is the last time I'm going to be pregnant :)
How far along? 22 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss? 14 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, tried to wear my skinny cords this week and even though they fit my legs I had to use a hair elastic over the button to keep them up. As soon as I got home they were flung aside in favour of my very unattractive but super comfy maternity leggings.
Stretch Marks? Not yet, hoping I manage to fend them off this time as well.
Sleep? Pretty rubbish. I've been up most nights this week from about 2-5am because that's when baby girl decides it's time to party. Last night I managed to sleep through her dance moves but was wide awake at 5, hence the obvious decision to squeeze in a barre workout, I know I'm nuts!
Best Moment this Week? My nappy brain is really horrendous at the moment, I can't even remember what I did this week, let me look at my calendar ... I would say pregnancy yoga is the highlight of every week, that and carrot cake from Graham's Grocers in Penrith.
Worst Moment this Week? Trying not to over-withdraw our checking account as we waited for payday to arrive. We really need to get out of this rental, fast! Paying double of everything is no bueno. I probably shouldn't have ordered those new nappies but it was real nappy week so there were massive discounts on all things cloth and we've barely made it through each day with enough nappies since I left half of Cyril's stash at my brother's in Olympia. At first I thought I may have purchased too many but then I remembered that come August I'll have 2 in nappies. Hopefully we'll also have a tumble dryer because some of his nappies take 2 days to dry when the weather is bad.
Worst Moment this Week? Trying not to over-withdraw our checking account as we waited for payday to arrive. We really need to get out of this rental, fast! Paying double of everything is no bueno. I probably shouldn't have ordered those new nappies but it was real nappy week so there were massive discounts on all things cloth and we've barely made it through each day with enough nappies since I left half of Cyril's stash at my brother's in Olympia. At first I thought I may have purchased too many but then I remembered that come August I'll have 2 in nappies. Hopefully we'll also have a tumble dryer because some of his nappies take 2 days to dry when the weather is bad.
Miss Anything? The sun! I nearly cleaned out the fireplace for the year and turned off all the heaters and then we got a winter warning for snow and the house turned cold again.
Movement? Yes. I used to think she didn't move as much as Cyril but she is extremely active at night, looks like we'll have another baby with their days and nights confused come August.
Food Cravings? Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and pretty much anything sweet. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy or the fact that my mom was here for 3 weeks. She and my dad always have dessert in their house so she kept buying all kinds of goodies and what pregnant lady can resist a block of fudge? Before I knew it I felt like I needed to have something sweet everyday. I'm trying my best to kick that habit or I'll be an elephant in no time.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? I was doing pretty well in this department but if I get really tired and run down I start to feel nauseous and then all I want to eat is cereal.
Gender? Girl
Labour signs? No
Symptoms? Aside from a little sciatica I'm feeling pretty good.
Belly button in or out? It's popped. Never popped with Cyril so this is new.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Our weekend in Lytham with family. Cyril can't wait to see "Ewi"
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And just for fun how cute are these best friends? |
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