24 Weeks with My Little Lady
Will add a bump pic to the post when Josh wakes up :)
How far along? 24 weeks and 1 day
How far along? 24 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? 17.6 pounds, gulp ...
Maternity clothes? Yes my bumps tend to be really low down and all in the front so I can't get away with any non-maternity clothes without looking ridiculous. With the exception of my maxi dresses, thank goodness for a Summer baby.
Stretch Marks? I haven't noticed any, but I'm also a little afraid to look because the bump is starting to spread out to my sides, which never happened with Cyril, must be all the burgers I've been eating.
Sleep? Not great, is it too early to be nesting?! Yesterday I woke up at 4:30am and just had to finish the anniversary/father's day project I've been working on for Josh. It's still 6 weeks away but after 5 hours on the computer it is finally finished, can you tell I'm not a procrastinator? Last night I stayed up late rearranging the clothing in our drawers, to clear out a space for baby girl, and was eager to get started on organising the upstairs bedroom in anticipation of her arrival. We're still hoping to be in Moorhouse when she is born, so if you're reading this Andy keep up the good work. However, I like to be prepared for everything and after seeing the house last week I'm a little skeptical about the move-in date. The place we're renting will be difficult with a newborn and my mom who is coming to stay for a month, but I have some ideas that will make it feel less cluttered. I think Josh will flip out when I tell him my plans when he wakes up this morning, I'm always re-arranging and getting rid of stuff! Honestly if it were up to me I don't think we'd have any furniture left in the house.
Best Moment this Week? Our 14+ mile bike ride over very hilly terrain yesterday with baby girl in my belly and Cyril on the back of my bike. (Josh's front tire lifts up when Cyril is on his bike because his bike is too light so I have to carry him, he's not really that mean making his pregnant wife do all the work.) Then we met some friends at a pub, had an amazing lunch and played lawn games in the glorious sunshine all afternoon. Unfortunately both kids woke up last night with fevers so our plans for canoeing down the river this morning and having a picnic lunch might get postponed.
Worst Moment this Week? Our 14+ mile bike ride over hilly terrain. Ok not really it was a beautiful ride but I've never worked so hard in my life or been so relieved to see that pub! We were supposed to bike home but I could barely walk so Sally gave us all a lift, phew! Also, I'm feeling a little down that I won't be able to put together a nice nursery for baby girl, I missed out with Cyril because our house wasn't ready and it looks like I'll be missing out for our last baby as well. I know it's not the end of the world but when your family owns an interior design and textile company it makes the realisation all the more bittersweet.
Worst Moment this Week? Our 14+ mile bike ride over hilly terrain. Ok not really it was a beautiful ride but I've never worked so hard in my life or been so relieved to see that pub! We were supposed to bike home but I could barely walk so Sally gave us all a lift, phew! Also, I'm feeling a little down that I won't be able to put together a nice nursery for baby girl, I missed out with Cyril because our house wasn't ready and it looks like I'll be missing out for our last baby as well. I know it's not the end of the world but when your family owns an interior design and textile company it makes the realisation all the more bittersweet.
Miss Anything? Sadly I lost my grandmother, only 2 months after losing my Nana, on Friday. I'm so happy we flew home to see both of them in February as we were able to say goodbye one last time. It's weird to think that when we fly home as a family of 4 in November I won't be going to visit either grandmothers. It always was such a joy to see my grandma, she was amazing with children and I still remember eating snack at her Sunday school with all the other babies and young children when I was small. When I saw her in February she was still bouncing around the house and we had a wonderful time visiting and laughing about Cyril. I was happy to hear that she died peacefully in her sleep with her beloved cat, OK maybe beloved is the wrong word, the last time I was at her house I asked her what the 2 foot stick was used for and she told me it was for hitting Alice when she tried to bite her, haha. I'm grateful for the memories and very pleased she didn't have a long drawn out death.
Movement? Yes. She's finally competing with big brother and I'm pretty sure she's in the lead. At my last appointment she was kicking the doppler so hard that you could already see my belly moving, she must have thunder thighs like her mother.
Food Cravings? Nachos and carrot cake but not together.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? No, this pregnancy is a dream compared to the last one appetite wise but at the rate I'm going I'll be birthing an elephant in August.
Gender? Girl
Labour signs? No
Symptoms? Aside from the ever expanding waistline I'm feeling pretty great.
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Another day of warm sunshine and my child-free holiday in Tenerife mid-May
Happy Mother's Day to all of those wonderful Mamas out there and a very Happy Birthday to my Mom!
Happy Mother's Day to all of those wonderful Mamas out there and a very Happy Birthday to my Mom!
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The 3 Generation Photo my Grammy always insisted on having, she was so proud to be a Great Grandmother. |
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Three generation photo with my sisters, just missing our brother Matt and his baby Huckleberry. |
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Wedding day 2011 with Grammy. |
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The life of the party, she even danced to some hip hop this night! |
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The last and only photo taken with Cyril, she lost most of her strength after this trip :( |
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