They say a photo is worth a thousand words so I'll keep this brief and start by showcasing the first picture, somewhat blurry but the laughter sums up the weekend. On several occasions I thought my pelvic floor would give in on me but fortunately I managed to keep it together.
Experimenting with the selfie stick in the taxi, cue hysteria as we nearly blinded the driver because the camera was facing the wrong direction, fortunately at the last minute I managed to press the button and capture this gem. Ruth and I are still unsure why Jess is choking herself. |
26 weeks on left with baby girl, 24 weeks on right with baby Cyril. Both photos taken in Tenerife, both holidays worth the money. |
Every morning I snuck out of the room before the girls were awake and had my first breakfast with the birds and my knitting. An hour or two later I'd return to the room, get ready for the day and join the girls for second breakfast, lol. |
Starting to get the hang of the selfie stick. |
Del Duque beach in the background. |
Legs in the pool because it was so hot, only Ruth would manage to drape a towel over herself in the heat in an attempt to ward off sunburn. |
Mexican! |
Laughing at the singer who was covering American songs with a Spanish accent. |
I asked the waitress for a Pina Coloda without alcohol, she said she could make it without vodka but not without alcohol, I opted for a virgin Mojito instead but really wanted to chug Jess's sangria. |
Sister shot, not the best angle but I told myself in 10 years I'll look back and think, "I look good, I mean real good ..." |
Maybe my favourite photo of the holiday, the one and only Rooster Fooster. |
The largest glasses of champagne I've ever seen and one very tasty fruit smoothie. |
That's pretty much it! I hadn't realised how much I needed a break from toddlerhood until I got on the plane and had two very rowdy toddlers behind me pulling my hair, kicking Jess and Ruth's seat and screaming, the parents weren't much better and at one point I thought Jess might turn around and shake both parents and children. Ruth was wishing she brought her taser and every time a child interrupted our peace and quiet Ruth would shout 10,000 volts and pretend to poke them with the selfie stick.
The holiday was such a success that we're planning to return next may with husbands and children although we're still trying to convince Ruth to join us, not sure how keen she'll be to share her holiday with a 6, 3 and 8 month old baby. We're planning to put Eli and Cyril in kids club at the resort and then convince Nick and Jess to take a walk with baby girl so we can squeeze in a surf together. Either way the flight is short in comparison to American travel and you can't beat the weather!
Thanks for a fabulous weekend girls, looking forward to our next get together when Cath can join us and I can actually have a large glass/bottle of champagne.
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