30 Weeks and Feeling Oh So Pregnant

How far along? 30 weeks, what?! Where did the last month go? Chalkboard has been out of commission so just trying to get a few shots of bump here and there when I'm out and about so Baby Girl has pics to look back on like her big brother. Total weight gain/loss? 22 pounds which means I've gained about as much as I did when I was this far along with Cyril, phew! At first I was gaining weight so rapidly I thought I'd be an elephant come birth but it's mostly bump with a bit of fat added onto my backside and legs for good measure. Maternity clothes? Yes, I never thought I'd buy maternity shorts because they looked so ridiculous online, then it got really hot in England, my old maternity stretch pants ripped along the seam and I became desperate. I went into H&M and tried on a couple pairs and was shocked by how comfortable they were, best purchase ever. Also, the guy made an error when ringing me up so I got a pair for free! Stretch Marks? No...