30 Weeks and Feeling Oh So Pregnant
How far along? 30 weeks, what?! Where did the last month go? Chalkboard has been out of commission so just trying to get a few shots of bump here and there when I'm out and about so Baby Girl has pics to look back on like her big brother.
Total weight gain/loss? 22 pounds which means I've gained about as much as I did when I was this far along with Cyril, phew! At first I was gaining weight so rapidly I thought I'd be an elephant come birth but it's mostly bump with a bit of fat added onto my backside and legs for good measure.
Maternity clothes? Yes, I never thought I'd buy maternity shorts because they looked so ridiculous online, then it got really hot in England, my old maternity stretch pants ripped along the seam and I became desperate. I went into H&M and tried on a couple pairs and was shocked by how comfortable they were, best purchase ever. Also, the guy made an error when ringing me up so I got a pair for free!
Stretch Marks? Not yet but I'm feeling pretty stretched out.
Sleep? What sleep? I've become a bit of an insomniac. I actually feel a bit manic at 4am. I think it's the light that is waking me but I am full of energy at that time and I have a photo project I'm working on so if I even think about it I want to jump out of bed and get working. I also finished 2 large knitting projects in just over a week which is very quick for me. By the time 6am rolls around I'm ready to get back under the covers and I've had to force myself to sleep later because we had a bit of a scare this week.
Best Moment this Week? When I found out Baby Girl was OK.
Worst Moment this Week? I had severe stomach pains on Saturday night, couldn't walk and could barely go from sitting to laying down. At first I thought I might be in labour but when the pain didn't stop I wasn't sure what was up. After speaking to the midwife we decided it was probably a GI bug. This brought me relief but when the pain returned Tuesday night, and I didn't feel baby girl move at all for more than 12 hours, I started to worry. I told my midwife at my appointment and she suggested I go to the hospital to have everything checked out. The second I got on the bed at the hospital and hooked up to the machine she started a party. In fact the midwife said she had so much spirit and power that I'd have to hold the doppler on my stomach because she kept kicking it off! She checked out OK and since the pain had gone by the time I got to the hospital they couldn't really solve the problem. I was told to come back immediately if I get it again and to take it easy. Josh thinks I've been overdoing it so he's banned me from climbing until after the birth of baby. I must admit sitting on that bed in hospital felt amazing, I can't remember the last time I just sat down and relaxed. I guess it was my body telling me that I need to start slowing down.
Worst Moment this Week? I had severe stomach pains on Saturday night, couldn't walk and could barely go from sitting to laying down. At first I thought I might be in labour but when the pain didn't stop I wasn't sure what was up. After speaking to the midwife we decided it was probably a GI bug. This brought me relief but when the pain returned Tuesday night, and I didn't feel baby girl move at all for more than 12 hours, I started to worry. I told my midwife at my appointment and she suggested I go to the hospital to have everything checked out. The second I got on the bed at the hospital and hooked up to the machine she started a party. In fact the midwife said she had so much spirit and power that I'd have to hold the doppler on my stomach because she kept kicking it off! She checked out OK and since the pain had gone by the time I got to the hospital they couldn't really solve the problem. I was told to come back immediately if I get it again and to take it easy. Josh thinks I've been overdoing it so he's banned me from climbing until after the birth of baby. I must admit sitting on that bed in hospital felt amazing, I can't remember the last time I just sat down and relaxed. I guess it was my body telling me that I need to start slowing down.
Miss Anything? Good beer.
Movement? Yes, she hasn't stopped moving during the day since the hospital appointment. She used to kick me all night so it's nice to feel her movements when I'm actually awake and not trying to sleep!
Food Cravings? Nothing in particular
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? No, I'm feeling pretty good at the moment!
Labour signs? No, thank goodness!
Symptoms? Feeling pretty good now that the stomach pain is gone. My pelvic girdle is so much better this pregnancy but I'm being extremely good about not lifting anything except for Cyril.

Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy.
Looking forward to: Cyril's race today and spending time with family.
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