32 Years Old and 32 Weeks Pregnant
How far along? 32 weeks and 4 days
Total weight gain/loss? 22 pounds, at this point in my pregnancy with Cyril I'd gained 27! I'm sure I'll catch right back up though :)
Total weight gain/loss? 22 pounds, at this point in my pregnancy with Cyril I'd gained 27! I'm sure I'll catch right back up though :)
Maternity clothes? Yes, with the exception of my stretchy maxi dresses. I managed to get my wardrobe down below the Project 33 limit although it did help that exercise and lounge wear don't count as part of the total since I pretty much wear yoga pants and t-shirts everyday.
Stretch Marks? Nope and I haven't even used any special cream on my belly this time.
Sleep? Usually pretty good unless I have a project going on that I want to work on.
Best Moment this Week? Baby girl staring at us during the ultrasound, we finally got a clear picture. Usually she kicks the doppler and turns the other way or moves the entire time so they find it impossible to get a clear picture. This is the first one we've had that isn't blurry! She's measuring just under the 50-centile which still means I'll be having an 8+ pound baby as they create a curve based on your last birth. However, if she carries on this line she'll be under 9 pounds which is all I'm asking for. I was a little disappointed to see that her head is on the 75-centile mark already but Cyril's was over the 100-centile at birth so anything under that is a win!
Worst Moment this Week? Nothing really stands out but we did have a pretty busy weekend which left me feeling exhausted and a little overwhelmed on Sunday night. I usually like to carve periods of rest into my day, especially on the weekend but it felt like we were going from one thing to the next. We've decided to have a low key Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week.
Worst Moment this Week? Nothing really stands out but we did have a pretty busy weekend which left me feeling exhausted and a little overwhelmed on Sunday night. I usually like to carve periods of rest into my day, especially on the weekend but it felt like we were going from one thing to the next. We've decided to have a low key Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week.
Miss Anything? I miss Summer in America. Usually Cyril and I go home for 5 glorious weeks over the Summer but I'm too pregnant to fly this year. It's also really sad that I'm missing yet another wedding due to being pregnant. Fortunately Josh will be there to represent and since we're not planning to have any more babies I shouldn't have to miss another wedding. Although I'm not sure how many friends we have left that will be tying the knot!
Movement? Yes, she definitely has distinct patterns already and has been in a good position for birth since 20 weeks.
Food Cravings? Chocolate and nachos.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? Still not sure I can stomach fish and chips but otherwise I'm good as long as I don't overeat.
Labour signs? A lot of pelvic pressure, more then I remember having with Cyril.
Symptoms? Heartburn, pelvic pressure and my pelvis started to bother me on Sunday but yoga fixed it last night so I think it's muscle tightness rather then PGP.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Spending some quality time as a family of 3+Hobson this weekend before our schedule gets busy and the little lady arrives.

How amazing are these maternity photos Naomi House got of us on the beach Sunday? I can't wait to share the rest, Cyril cuteness overload plus my gorgeous hubby always looks like a stud :)
Oh and I guess it's my birthday today so Happy Birthday to me, Courtney, Dean and anyone else born on the 6th, may we all devour too much cake and drink too much beer (except for me, I'll just be drinking water, boo!)
The hat in the photo was my early present from the boys and it replaced my battered straw hat that I had been rocking for way too long.
My only plans for the evening are attending my Daisy Birthing class at the Happy Mums Foundation. Look out for a future blogpost on this amazing class, especially if you're expecting.
Looking forward to: Spending some quality time as a family of 3+Hobson this weekend before our schedule gets busy and the little lady arrives.

How amazing are these maternity photos Naomi House got of us on the beach Sunday? I can't wait to share the rest, Cyril cuteness overload plus my gorgeous hubby always looks like a stud :)
Oh and I guess it's my birthday today so Happy Birthday to me, Courtney, Dean and anyone else born on the 6th, may we all devour too much cake and drink too much beer (except for me, I'll just be drinking water, boo!)
The hat in the photo was my early present from the boys and it replaced my battered straw hat that I had been rocking for way too long.
My only plans for the evening are attending my Daisy Birthing class at the Happy Mums Foundation. Look out for a future blogpost on this amazing class, especially if you're expecting.
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