Five Ways Cyril is Exactly like my Father

1. Cake, cake and more cake. Did somebody say cookies because those are OK too?

2. The obsession with tractors runs deep. Cyril had a full on meltdown when Josh veered away from the tractors at the Skelton Farm Show on Saturday. I know all kids like cars and tractors but I've never met a child that would wander around the vintage tractors for hours just staring.

3. He has an uncanny amount of love for cutting the grass and watching people mow the lawn. The other day when we went to vote for the EU referendum a man was getting his lawn mower out, I tried to turn quickly before Cyril noticed as we were meeting some friends but I was too late. He clocked on to the man immediately and we had to sit there and watch as the gentleman mowed his entire lawn. Thank god it was only a small patch of grass.

4. He's already obsessed with the green stuff (dollar bills not peace) and picks up every penny he finds on the ground. No photo of this.

5. His love for Hobson, and all animals, is clearly visible and adorable.

6, 7, and 8. Cyril is left handed, extremely tidy, especially for a toddler, and has one hell of an arm. If we lived in America I think he'd be playing baseball. I often find Cyril with the broom and dustpan, and he doesn't just clean the inside, he regularly sweeps the driveway grass and rocks. His love for the vacuum is unreal and one of his favourite things to do is follow me around with his mini dyson while I'm hoovering.

Plus he has the same fat rolls my father had as a small boy complete with bleach blond hair that only gets lighter in the sun. The joy he gets from staring at farmers as they tend to their fields can't be normal for a toddler. It reminds me of my pop pulling over to the side of the road/driving off the side of the road to watch the Amish plough with a horse and cart. I already have a feeling that this kid has farmer written into his bones. Sorry Soper family, I think this one will be going to agricultural school at Karas Farm instead of into textiles at R.Soper Ltd.


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