I'm So Pregnant!

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes and no, when the weather is warm I just wear my regular maxi dresses, super comfy. Definitely in maternity tops though, my regular tops are tight fitting and the abs have been gone for about 32 weeks now.
Stretch Marks? Still nothing and since this is the last baby we're planning to have I'm secretly praying that I escape unscathed, not that there is anything wrong with stretch marks, I've heard they fade but I'll still do a secret little dance if they keep away.
Sleep? It's OK. I sleep well unless my hips start to cramp then I have to grab the lacrosse ball from underneath my pillow and try to release the muscle all while not disturbing Josh.
Best Moment this Week? Picking Josh up from the train station, I've never been so happy to see him, Cyril didn't share these sentiments and passed out on the way there. However, the look on his face pretty much sums up our week, pure exhaustion.
Worst Moment this Week?  Josh being away. I thought it would be fine because he works all week so I'm used to taking care of Cyril on my own anyway. However, the first morning I woke up to poop all over the crib, Cyril is going through an obsession with taking his clothes off and putting them back on. This wouldn't have been the end of the world but I had the morning timed to perfection so I could get to my midwife appointment on time, word of advice, always allow an extra 20 minutes when you're dealing with a toddler. After that ordeal we had a pretty uneventful and easy Wednesday so I was positive about the remainder of the week. Then on Thursday I got Cyril out of his crib and he threw up all over me. Since he wouldn't be able to attend nursery Friday I decided it was best to get to Lytham in case I got the stomach virus and couldn't take care of him. He threw up all over the truck twice on the way down, which meant when we finally arrived I basically had to power wash his car seat and get the truck a mini valet. That evening I got the stomach virus but fortunately I didn't throw up. Friday was spent sluggishly dragging Cyril to the local playgrounds while I cried on the phone to Josh and then after two birthday parties on Saturday and Sunday I passed the fuck out at 7pm. Monday was just a typical day and Tuesday Cyril had Hannah so we survived the week even if it felt like he was gone for a year.
Miss Anything? My best friend Alex, we had a brief chat yesterday and Josh and I always wish we lived closer to her and Aaron because we're pretty much the exact same people. Aaron and Josh are so much alike, if we lived closer I know they'd be hermits together while Alex and I went out to socialise at the local bar.
Movement? Yes and she got the memo to move to the left hand side, which I'll discuss more on in my next daisy birthing blog post. I knew head down was good but I didn't realise that a baby head down on the left side is the ideal position.
Food Cravings?  Not really but I always want spicy food which is terrible because I have the worst heartburn this pregnancy.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? I still have a pretty strong sense of smell so anything overpowering makes me feel nauseous, especially fried food.
Date and Weight Prediction? Just ready my weight prediction for Cyril and I laughed out loud, clearly it was wishful thinking when I predicted 7 pounds 8 ounces for my food gobbling boy. I Just have this feeling she will be early for some reason so I'm going to guess August 20th (my brother's birthday) weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces. However, I'm secretly hoping she doesn't come until August 31st or later because it will be less traumatic on Cyril since my mom will be here to watch him at home. 
Labour signs? I'm definitely having braxton hicks this pregnancy, maybe that's why I feel like she'll come early.
Symptoms?  Heartburn, pelvic pressure, braxton hicks, extreme thirst and I've had some headaches.
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy
Looking forward to: My baby shower on Friday and dressing up as The Spice Girls for the Lytham Festival next weekend with Ruth, Jess, Kate and Cath. We always have so much fun when we're together but this time I'll be the only sober one, booooo!


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