What's in My Hospital Bag?

I finally bit the bullet last weekend and bought the supplies I needed for my hospital bag. When I started having Braxton Hicks contractions on Friday I decided I really did need to get this thing organised.

The first time around I remember overpacking with Cyril and feeling really overwhelmed with all the bags and unnecessary crap. Now that I've dappled in Minimalism for over a year, I feel very comfortable packing only the essentials, and I know what I can leave at home. The adorable mice could not be left at home and are tucked into the nappy bag. You really only need to pack for a night because if you end up staying longer your husband/partner can get any additional supplies. 

Mama's Bag:

  • Maternity/Maxi Pads-Buy the largest size available and make sure they're unscented. The fragrant ones can cause tears in people who have sensitive skin and the last thing you want after childbirth is another tear! The pads in this photo are amazing but I ordered the wrong ones, make sure you buy the maternity pads, they're more absorbent and much larger. These will be great a few weeks down the line though.
  • Breast pads- I packed 2 reusable. In first time mums you might not need them as the milk usually comes in around day 3 but they take up so little space that they're worth packing.
  • Nursing Bras- Again I packed 2. I had a lot of milk with Cyril so am anticipating needing an extra in case I soak through the nursing pads and bra.
  • Lanolin and Tommee Tippee cooling pads- Your nipples will hurt if you're breastfeeding, better be prepared.
  • Arnica- homeopathic treatment for internal and external bruising. Best if you start it immediately after delivery, was a lifesaver when I had Cyril. Buy the tablets not the cream.
  • Lavender Oil- This is for labour. I like a calming environment, and since you're not allowed to bring candles Josh will be spraying the room with lavender periodically. 
  • One outfit- This is the outfit I will go home in. My lululemon high waisted leggings, a comfortable loose t-shirt, and my favourite lululemon sweatshirt. You'll still look 6 months pregnant so either maternity wear or something stretchy or loose is best. You're not Kate Middleton, leave the dresses and heels where they'll live for the next year, your closet. You might also want to pack pyjamas, I sleep in underwear and a t-shirt and have no problem walking the halls with only this on, the midwives are used to it.
  • Bathrobe- Might not be necessary but just in case the hospital is cold this will keep you nice and warm if you're up at night trying to soothe a crying baby to sleep.
  • Socks or slippers- For keeping your feet warm when you're walking the halls.
  • Granny panties- Leave the thongs at home and pack 3-4 pairs of underwear you'd be happy to throw away. Trust me when I say you will not be bringing them home.
  • Toiletries- 1 travel sized bottle of shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, a bar of soap, coconut oil, brush, chapstick, massage oil, ear plugs, and hair ties.
  • Solly Wrap and Ring Sling- This was the only thing that would put Cyril to sleep when he was a newborn, if we didn't have it at the hospital we wouldn't have slept at all. For new mums I recommend practicing the wrap with a doll under the supervision of someone who has used one before otherwise you'll probably throw it away in your sleep deprived state.
  • Speaker and Labour playlist- Josh always makes me a playlist for special occasions and he never lets me down. We had a portable speaker when I was in labour with Cyril and it saved me. We always listen to music in our house and labour is no exception. I preferred really calming music with Cyril and I think we must have listened to Shepherd's Dog by Iron & Wine on repeat for several hours. Unfortunately, Josh can't listen to that album anymore so he's creating a new soothing playlist with more music in case I have another long labour.
  • Camera- We ended up using our phone for photos after Cyril was born but the images were all really grainy because of poor lighting. Now that I've taken a photography course we've decided to bring my Nikon. Either way you'll at least want your phone to snap a few photos post delivery.
  • Cell phone and charger- You'll want this to make phone calls after the birth.
  • Snacks and Drinks- This is optional. I'll definitely bring my water bottle because she comes with me everywhere and even has a name, Fat Kathy, but the hospital will provide you with whatever drinks you want and although I plan to make a large bag of trail mix, like I did with Cyril, the hospital fed me the last time I was in labour and the food was actually pretty good. There's also a shop and Starbucks downstairs if I'm craving something they can't offer.
  • Knitting- I packed this the last time and never picked it up. I certainly didn't feel like flipping through magazines or knitting while I was in labour and when Cyril was sleeping after he was born I was either filling out the required paperwork or sleeping myself but just in case I get bored I'll bring a very easy project along with me since I don't watch TV.

Baby's Bag:

  • Newborn nappies- We brought our cloth nappies with Cyril but have decided to go with disposables for the first couple weeks this time because the first poo is like molasses and disposables take up less space and don't require laundering. You'll probably change a newborn 10 times a day in the beginning so we're only bringing one package since you're not usually in hospital very long. If you need more, hubby can always run out or the hospital will have some if you're short.
  • Two outfits- Leave the frilly dresses and cute dungarees at home. I packed one sleeveless vest, one long sleeved vest, 1 baby grow and 1 pair of leggings with feet. The dress in the photo above was too cute not to include in the picture but it'll be staying in her closet until Thanksgiving Day.
  • Booties- 1 pair of booties, I prefer these to socks which never seem to stay on.
  • Scratch mits- Cyril hated these but they don't take up much room and every baby is different.
  • Muslins- 2 for mopping up milk, believe it or not the hand knit muslins in the photo will be used for milk to my mother's horror.
  • Bibs- I only brought one and it might not be needed 
  • Swaddle- I packed one, the hospital will have these for you to use if you forget and in America I think you're able to keep them but don't quote me on that.
  • Hats- One is probably enough but I packed 2 in case she has a massive head like her brother did.
  • Blanket- Leave this in the car just in case it's a rainy Summer day in England.

*If you're planning to bottle feed in the UK the hospitals are no longer allowed to carry formula. It's part of their initiative to encourage more mothers to breastfeed. I find this appalling and discriminatory towards mothers who choose to bottle feed or can't breastfeed but that's for another blog. Anyway, I would recommend buying those boxes that have the formula mixed up and ready to go in the tiny bottles. You'll find them in the baby aisle at most major supermarkets and it'll save you the hassle of having to keep the bottles sterile and milk refrigerated. 

Even if you're planning on breastfeeding it might be worthwhile to bring a small bottle of formula just in case your milk doesn't come in. Cyril didn't feed right away so my milk didn't come in until day 3 which meant I had to top him up with formula at the hospital. Fortunately the hospital was allowed to stock formula as I didn't bring any but now that they can't carry it you don't want to be left without in case no where is open in the middle of the night. You won't need a bottle as the midwife will want you to feed the baby off a spoon to avoid nipple confusion and they only take a teaspoon or two at first anyway.

Last but not least, don't forget your car seat!
I haven't included Josh's items because he's more then capable of figuring out what he'll need for a night. The last time I don't really think he packed anything but a change of clothes. I will say that he didn't use the showers on the ward or eat any of the food because he felt it should be reserved for those women in labour and with new babies. In the UK the men are only allowed on the wards during labour and a few hours afterwards and then during visiting hours so they have plenty of time to go home change, shower, eat and bring you any additional supplies. In the USA I think this might be different so the men might want to pack more.
A lot of websites recommend bringing a birth ball, pillow, towels and stuff to pass the time. The hospital will have a birth ball, nursing pillow and pillows for labour as well as towels. I think these items are all unnecessary. As for stuff to pass the time you might want to bring your iPad or a magazine but I never looked at either.


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