The Silent Killer
"It is wonderful that human beings are willing to let go of even their smallest corners of secrecy and privacy, so that their holding on to anything is gone completely. That is very brave. -Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche The story below is written by an anonymous follower of my blog. After battling with PPD for months, and reading many stories on the topic, she is hoping to share her story in the hopes that if it helps even one woman battling with this destroyer of all things amazing about motherhood she will have succeeded. I hope you take the time to read and share her story. What amazed me was that PPD looked and felt so different then it did to my own experience yet we had many similarities. Sometimes the silent killer is difficult to spot until you hear how others experience it. I continually read blogs and articles about fellow Post Natal Depression sufferers spreading the word of this mental health illness, encouraging more awareness and bringing comfort to myself a...