Three Months of Cuteness and Cuddles
How is little Sage Malia 3 months old and I have yet to do a blog post about her, pretty sure Cyril had about 10 at this age, ha.
Well anyway I think it's pretty obvious why I have only managed to squeeze a handful of posts out since she was born, cut me some slack, I flew across the Atlantic solo with a toddler and infant, now that deserves a big fucking medal but I digress and I promise to keep this short and sweet just like Sage.
Speaking of sweet can we just say that if I had this little lady first I would have seriously questioned why people found motherhood hard? I'm not saying motherhood is easy with her, I still have a completely hyperactive toddler that throws himself on the floor every morning when I accidentally give him the yellow spoon (which he asked for by the way) instead of the blue one, but this is about Sage and I'm not lying when I say the following:
* She rarely cries. I think we went a 36 hour period with no tears apart from the most pathetic whimper in the back of the car when she was hungry. It didn't even make me angry or panicky I just felt so sad for her,
* Smiles, smiles and more smiles. I was unaware a baby could actually smile as much as Sage. She hears my voice after I've abandoned her for a 2 hour exercise class, SMILE. Cyril bends down close to her crib and pokes her in the eye, SMILE. She hears anyone talking, even if it's not to her, SMILE.
* To go along with the smiling she never stops cooing, which is just so freaking adorable that your heart literally melts and at that moment you know you'll do anything to get her to coo again. Calling all annoying high pitched baby talking mamas over here.
* Weight is around the 12.5 pound mark which means she's finally back up where she needs to be. Not that I was worried, she pretty much has fat rolls for days just like Cyril did. Sorry Sopers I think we made another Karas
* We make sleeping babies, and Sage is no exception. She had a little jet lag but she's back on her 6pm to 3/4am schedule with a quick feed and then back down until 6/7am.
* She's resilient and incredibly flexible, dodging poking fingers and body slams on a daily basis and having her naps interrupted perpetually by changing schedules and toddler tantrums. Usually she just smiles and starts cooing.
* Hair envy, that is all.
She's a social baby which is new for me because Cyril was incredibly physical and as soon as he could move he was off and could have cared less where I was. He rolled over at 3 weeks, was sitting up at 4 months and crawling at 6. Sage hasn't even shown an interest in moving her body except to kick her arms and legs vigorously at her toys but I'm pretty sure she's just trying to get them to talk to her. If she's going to cry it's when I put her down or she sees me walking out of the room. Her favourite thing is being held in my arms so she can coo, smile and sing to me.
Sage Malia, we love you so much. Whenever we're apart I feel like my right arm is missing. May you never stop being so happy, social and flexible. These character traits will take you very far in life and you've already taught me so much.
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