Sibling Snapshot

One of my favourite things to do is go back and re-read my blog posts from when Cyril was Sage's age. Sadly, with my schedule bursting at the seams and my other less than desirable house wife tasks I have little time left for blogging and hence the scarcity of posts about Sage. However, before this time vanishes into oblivion I want to do a little snapshot on each child at this age.


Sage, my little buddha, I love you more and more each day. You give so much back with your giggles and smiles and the love in your eyes runs deep. When you look at me your eyes light up and my soul melts. I already have a glimpse into your future personality and it brings me so much joy. I'm convinced if you lived in Tibet you'd be the next Buddha. You already make me a better person everyday and I'm so happy to call you my own. You are rarely sad, love to socialise and laugh, and rolled over for the first time two days ago at the start of yoga. You sleep 12-13 hours at night and this glorious gift started the night before we flew back to England when you were only 4 months old. Although you still love cuddles you prefer to be put in your crib wide awake so you can cuddle your soft toys and fall into a blissful sleep all by yourself. You're so laid back, love to play with your toys and will watch the leaves outside for hours. Will you grow to be as independent as your brother I wonder?

Cyril, my little sidekick, I learn different ways to be patient with you every day. We're so much alike it's uncanny. From your obsessiveness with things being in order and tidy right down to the way you sprint around the house at bedtime screaming your head off with laughter bouncing off the walls. It brings me much frustration, particularly when your sister is asleep, but then I realise you're exactly like me. You're a little fireball of energy and although your strong emotions about everything can ruffle even the most patient feathers, I know that one day your personality will serve you well if you channel it correctly. You love deeply, give the best eskimo kisses and are so independent and creative when you play. I often think back to 6 months ago when it was just the two of us exploring the outdoors, throwing rocks into the river and eating ice cream beside the swimming pool and it brings a tear to my eye. I long for the long days of Summer when I could give you my undivided attention. Now that I learn how to be the parent of two children I pray that you'll forgive me one day for my inadequacies and shortcomings. I feel so sad for you having to share my love but know it'll make you a better person one day and I look forward to many more adventures as I learn how to better handle all of the mundane tasks of being a full time mama and housewife. Oh and I almost forgot, you're now fully potty trained, which means you have transitioned from mama's baby boy to mama's little boy.


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