Cyril's First Day of Preschool
Just because I'm a glutton for punishment I thought I'd post again today to lighten the mood over here, only kidding, I love all my readers and my previous post was meant to be about me making positive changes in my life to be happier but as usual I dug a massive hole and then made it deeper. Apologies once again but let's not forget the reason this blog started. It began all because of this cutie right here and my desire to keep my friends and family in America informed about what was going on in our lives. So although I want to cut back on my posts I don't want to cut out my friends or family so I'll do my best to keep you up to date without causing controversy. One thing the Brits do better then the Americans in my opinion is the school uniform. Not only does he look unbelievably adorable but it also cuts out the hassle of picking out clothes in the morning and I'm pretty sure every mother and father would rejoice about this. Another pro to living in Engl...