Three Things About You on Your Third Birthday
Technically you turned 3 ten days ago but your sister has made Mummy very sleep deprived and that, combined with her constant need for Mummy's arms, has left me exhausted!
Nevertheless there is always time to tell you how much I love you Cyril Tuolumne.
- Your personality is the best. It drives us absolutely bonkers but it will serve you very well in the future. You have a zest for life, are full of energy, and are very intense about everything. You love hard, play hard, tantrum hard and squeeze life into everything you see. I'm sorry for having to tell you to love gently when all you want to do is squeeze everything you love, like your sister. No joke you squeezed the poop out of her a week ago before our bath, it was horrendous, Daddy was away for the night and Mummy was left bathing two children and scrubbing poop off the floor. As much as I tell you to breathe and be gentle I totally know how you're feeling, every time I see a puppy I grit my teeth and want to squeeze the life out of it, sorry you inherited this from me.
- Your confidence is rather shocking for someone so tiny. You'll talk to anyone, even random adults. They might not understand everything you say but you just keep on rambling away.
- You're very sensitive. The other day when you removed a pillow from behind Sage and she fell over you got a pouty face and burst into tears then ran up to me and said, "I'm very sorry Mummy." You're also great at expressing your emotions my favourite was when you said, "Mummy, stop winding me up you're making me very angy (angry)."
Sorry I'm not always there for you when you need it, I'm still figuring out this whole parenting two children thing. Some days we totally rock it, and others are complete failures, but at the end of the day I hope we can look at our adventures and find more good then bad and when we lay our heads down for the night we'll have a big smile on our faces as we reminisce about all the shenanigans we got ourselves into. Like today when we decided that Daddy was an old rooster (cock) and you and Sage were spring chickens, I couldn't stop laughing. It made me so happy when you told me, "You're not an old hen mummy, you're a spring chicken!"
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