First Birthday Letters

Dear Mama,

I turned one today and while I have no idea what that means I know that it's a truly monumental moment in your life, not beacause everything went according to plan, but because everything happened organically. You were meant to be a mother even if you haven't quite realised it yet. I know things didn't turn out as you had hoped, and that you judge yourself against every mother you meet, but you shouldn't. Every baby chooses their mother, and I chose you. Thank you for listening to me, for always knowing what I needed and for never giving up. You gave me the best start in life, a brother who will one day be my forever friend and a very happy family. I can count on you every morning to make me breakfast and when I'm sad at night you never leave me to cry. You always scoop me and Roy dog up in your arms, offer us milk and sing us lullabies. There's always a plethora of kisses on offer, super fun adventures and home cooked meals. Above all else you're always there, you gave up your life and career to be our mama and for that we're grateful. So on this day I'd like to say you've totally rocked my world this year.


Dear Sage,

I fell in love with you the second I laid eyes on you. In fact I loved you so much I couldn't let go of you, three hours passed before I realised your father had yet to hold you. We had a special bond, not because we were similar but because you reminded me of your father; always content and laid back. In fact it was your easy going nature that got us into trouble in the beginning, you never cried. I had to become so in tune with your every hand and eye gesture to understand what you needed otherwise you might have starved. It was this knowledge that really brought us together. Before long we were inseparable. I've always called you my little Buddha, and so far you've lived up to that name.

A smile is never far away and you always save the biggest smile for mama. You love all animals, especially Hobson, food and your family. You have 7 teeth, just had your first haircut and can already say these words: mana, dada, baby, doggy, dolly, duck, bottle, bye bye, hello, banana, there, ball, kiss kiss and all gone. You started crawling 1 week ago and are pulling up on furniture and getting faster everyday. You hate being in trouble and get a pouty face if daddy tells you no. You're still as content as ever and only cry if mama leaves the room or can't hold you.

Have a great time at your party today baby girl.



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