26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks 4 days. I'm a bit late with the posting, our holiday put me back a bit :) Total weight gain/loss? 17.4 pounds, and I am starting to feel the difference. I can now understand why overweight people find it so difficult to climb up the stairs! When I get to the top of even a short flight of stairs I'm out of breath, it's not easy carrying around this extra weight. Maternity clothes? The jeans I'm wearing are my faithful Gap maternity jeans but the t-shirt, courtesy of Josh's sister, and the cardigan, from Target, are not maternity and they still fit, although as you can see from the photo I have not buttoned the cardigan all the way ;) Stretch Marks? None yet, I'm praying that if I can continue on a gradual weight gain they won't appear however I know I haven't officially "popped" yet so it is possible they'll come later. Sleep? T...