3 Weeks

The difference between this week and last is shocking. I guess people are right when they say the first two weeks are horrendous, once you get past those 14 sleepless nights things really do get easier. First, I haven't cried once since we switched to bottle feeding. Initially I thought I would be depressed and regret our decision. While I do occasionally feel guilty it's nothing in comparison to the guilt I felt before when I resented having to feed our little boy. When we switched to the bottle I felt like I bonded with Cyril instantly, suddenly I couldn't get enough of his precious face. I also felt like I could leave our house, aka the prison cell. The day after switching we took a long walk. I now walk Cyril and Hobson everyday. I also meet up with a friend, who has a 7 week old, every Monday for a walk and lunch. We attend a play group on Thursdays and we'll be starting baby massage the end of April. Cyril's getting into a sleep routine and because he can ta...