23 Weeks With Baby Girl

I'm not usually crazy about pregnant belly photos but what the hell this is the last time I'm going to be pregnant :) How far along? 22 weeks and 6 days Total weight gain/loss? 14 pounds Maternity clothes? Yes, tried to wear my skinny cords this week and even though they fit my legs I had to use a hair elastic over the button to keep them up. As soon as I got home they were flung aside in favour of my very unattractive but super comfy maternity leggings. Stretch Marks? Not yet, hoping I manage to fend them off this time as well. Sleep? Pretty rubbish. I've been up most nights this week from about 2-5am because that's when baby girl decides it's time to party. Last night I managed to sleep through her dance moves but was wide awake at 5, hence the obvious decision to squeeze in a barre workout, I know I'm nuts! Best Moment this Week? My nappy brain is really horrendous at the moment, I can't even remember wh...