I'm So Pregnant!

How far along? 36 weeks Total weight gain/loss? 26 pounds Maternity clothes? Yes and no, when the weather is warm I just wear my regular maxi dresses, super comfy. Definitely in maternity tops though, my regular tops are tight fitting and the abs have been gone for about 32 weeks now. Stretch Marks? Still nothing and since this is the last baby we're planning to have I'm secretly praying that I escape unscathed, not that there is anything wrong with stretch marks, I've heard they fade but I'll still do a secret little dance if they keep away. Sleep? It's OK. I sleep well unless my hips start to cramp then I have to grab the lacrosse ball from underneath my pillow and try to release the muscle all while not disturbing Josh. Best Moment this Week? Picking Josh up from the train station, I've never been so happy to see him, Cyril didn't share these sentiments and passed out on the way there. However, the look on his face pretty much sums up ...