14 Months

Well I think little baby Cyril is turning into little toddler Cyril. This month he started walking confidently, got his first tooth and has started putting things away. He has two new obsessions. The first is putting lids and caps on everything, taking them off and then repeating the task over and over again. It's the only time he sits still for more than 30 seconds. His second obsession is rocks. We spend a lot of time outside, despite the less than stellar weather we've had of late. After an intense crawling through the rocks session I usually scoop him up to go inside for one of his two daily naps or to give him food. I'm not sure where he stores all these rocks, but I've been finding them stashed all over the house. Under the refrigerator, in his toy box, inside cabinets and even in hobson's water bowl. I can only think he carries them inside his tiny clenched fists or his mouth, the latter being the more probable of the two theories. Naturally, Josh the geologist, is thrilled by his son's new rock obsession. To be honest I'm shocked he hasn't pulled out his rock collection yet.

We had our first bike ride together on Thursday. I bought a more sturdy bike after a shaky test drive on my roadie. I now own what can only be described as a mom's bike but I love it for its ability to transport my precious cargo. It's a Dawes Sahara, sorry no pics.

My minimalist journey is going well. For the first time I can fit all 4 seasons of clothing and shoes in one closet and one chest of drawers. I have 20 items on EBay, we've sold 4 items so far and made a profit of £840, if the remaining 20 items sell we stand to make £375 or more depending on how high the bidding goes. 

My hands free Mama is also having an impact. Last night I spent 2 hours with Josh's mum and grandmother reminiscing about the past. One of my favourite memories with my nana was listening to her war time stories so it was very interesting for me to hear granny Bron's last night. Sadly my nana is suffering from dementia so the stories are now lost but granny Bron's  are still in tact. If I'd been on my phone I might have missed this magical moment.

Special moments I've journaled this past month:


April 4th: Grammy and cyril holding hands in the back of the car

Stunning scenery at hartland quay today, hobob loved the exercise and cyril missed it all since he was fast asleep on mama's belly in the ergo

April 5th: cyril says his first word besides mama and dada, haba (hobson) he crawls around the room shouting it and shoving his face in his fur to give him a big cuddle, today hobson walked away and dragged cyril, who refused to let go, behind him.

Another glorious day in devon with my mum, josh, cyril and hobson. We went to the hartland abbey and have serious garden envy, naturally cyril slept through most of it! He did make quite the range of notes with his voice as he tried to fall asleep though. My shoulders were pretty sore after carrying him on my front, might need to see if he'll fall asleep on my back next time, my baby is growing up too quickly :(

April 6th: cyril had his first nap on my back in the ergo, it might mean he never naps on my front again as he's getting too heavy, sad day :(

Sat out in the sun having a glass of wine at Staunton today, cyril sat for over an hour shoving all kinds of snacks in his mouth.

April 7: Got some great waves with josh at Staunton before he headed back to cumbria.

May 6th: Cyril is obsessed with putting lids on things, he'll practice for 5 minutes or more.

May 7th:

As I was prepping Cyril's lunch he went into the cabinet, grabbed his refillable pouch (which was empty) and handed it to me and said "ga?!" I put it on the counter and carried on cutting his oranges. He went into the cabinet, grabbed another empty pouch and handed it to me again, so I filled it with yogurt and he drank to his heart's content :)

May 8th: rocks, rocks, dirt and more rocks!

Cyril's favourite food:

Toast with almond butter, mashed banana, coconut and honey.

Chicken pad Thai

Chicken fajitas with avocado

Vegetarian stir fry

Cauliflower and chickpea curry

Mac n' cheese with butternut squash



Dada's smoothies 

It's safe to say that Cyril has ethnic tastes. Josh and I were extremely picky eaters as children so we're thrilled by his variety so far. It does however mean that you can't eat anything in front of him without him stealing your food. 


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