27 Weeks and Feeling Fabulous

The differences between this pregnancy and Cyril's are quite astounding. I assumed each pregnancy would feel somewhat the same but I'm either doing everything differently or there really is some truth to feeling different with a boy and a girl.

With Cyril I had morning sickness that lasted until 26 weeks. Then when I finally started to feel a little bit better I developed pelvic girdle pain that made it difficult to do the simplest of tasks and ended up wearing an ace bandage around my midsection until D-Day. I also had a ton of food aversions even after the morning sickness subsided. Looking back at my blogs I couldn't eat any meat or pizza and my only cravings were milk and yogurt. Sleep wasn't great, in part due to Cyril's kicks and hiccups but also because of the pelvis pain. I had to stop upholstery when I developed the pain in my lower back/hips at 26 weeks and I finished work 6 weeks early.

With baby girl the morning sickness was severe in the first trimester, far worse then when I was pregnant with Cyril, and I had a super human sense of smell. I couldn't stand being in the house, never mind the kitchen, and all cooking stopped. Then 10 weeks rolled around and poof the sickness was gone and my sense of smell slowly returned to normal human levels. Around the 12 week mark my energy came back and I've felt amazing ever since. My appetite also returned with a vengeance and I'm often in the mood for meat, especially hamburgers. No food is off limits and I have huge cravings for sweet things. I can't walk past a cake counter without buying a slice and I've never eaten so much rice pudding in my life. I'm also hooked on Caffe Frappe's but have to be somewhat careful since I don't like to drink decaffeinated coffee because of all the crap and processing that goes into removing the caffeine. 

While I did experience pelvic girdle pain much earlier on this pregnancy, around the 12 week mark, I've managed to keep it under control which is surprising since you'll often find me carrying a toddler. I find that if I don't exercise it gets worse and if I do the wrong kind of exercise, like running, it flares up. Surprisingly rock climbing, although painful and tiring at the time, usually makes it better. My pregnancy yoga class is the best for any flare ups and long walks with Hobson are the worst. I also can't carry Cyril on my hip and have to position him just over the front of my bump. Carrying or pushing and pulling anything heavy is completely off limits, something I found difficult to do when I was pregnant with Cyril, but have learned to avoid the second time around.

Lastly, when I was pregnant with Cyril I couldn't understand when people said they enjoyed being pregnant. Each day felt like an eternity and I couldn't wait until I went into labour, especially the last week when I found sitting uncomfortable. This pregnancy I feel unbelievably happy and grateful the majority of the time. I don't know where time is going and I wish it would slow down. Perhaps I'm more aware of the difficulties that lay ahead and although I'm excited to meet the little one I also know that it is easier with them inside the womb then out. Either way we're all embracing the sunshine in the Soper family, pregnant or not!


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