Choosing Happiness

Ten things that make me happy everyday:

1. This quote:

"One day you'll look back and realise you worried too much about things that didn't really matter.
And you will actually be glad things didn't work out the way you wanted them to.
So stop it.
Stop overthinking.
You can't control everything.
Just let it be.
Let go of what's gone, be grateful for what remains, look forward for what's to come.
Because eventually you will end up where you need to be, with who you're meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing.
Have faith and hope there is something new and positive on the horizon, you just can't see it yet.
But what is meant for you will not pass you by."

2. Sage's smile whenever I look at her, enter the room, she hears my voice, or I rescue her from the crib.

3. Cyril talking, "Want more ah ba pease." "Had nice time at nusahney." "No Rabbie, be naughty, haf ta be gentle." "There you go baby, need big cuddle, it's OK baby, here's rabbie. No baby that's Cyril's rabbie, can't have it."

4. Hobson kissing my face and curling up in my lap whenever he notices I'm sad. Hobson guarding me and Sage when I'm feeding her or Cyril's bedroom while he naps.

5. When Josh wakes  me up and says, "The kitchen is cleaned, coffee is downstairs and I've started the fire." Yes, yes, yes! You're amazing.

6. Our child benefit cheque. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't qualify but everyone in England gets £84 a month for having one child and £140 a month for two. I always forget about it but it has a nice way of arriving right when we need it the most.

7. My job, full time mama and proud of it. I will never regret all the time I've had with my children, you will find me sobbing on Cyril's first day of reception (yes I know I still have 2 years but it already makes me sad thinking about it) and then probably celebrating an hour later with a cuppa, because we all need balance in life and I'm about as bi-polar as you can get without actually being diagnosed with the illness.

8. The smell of bread baking in the oven, a newly reupholstered chair, a clutter free home and freshly vacuumed floors, yes I am that pathetic!

9. Being outside in all kinds of weather. I love having seasons again. The hard crunchy ground in autumn that keeps Hobson clean and bites at our cheeks leaving us longing to be back inside sitting in front of the warm fire with a glass of mulled wine. Snowflakes falling outside the window begging us to come outside and play. Daffodils covering all the available space on the hillside is a cheery sight after the darkness of winter. Sunshine on our bare skin, babies running around bare bottomed, Hobson sleeping in the full sun and the outdoor swimming pool begging us to come in.

10. Our annual or bi-annual trips to America, minus the flying.

Bonus and last but not least my perfectly happy and healthy family. I love children and all the joy that emanates from their bodies, especially around the holidays. We are just about to enter the magical age of childhood. I broached the subject of a third child, was promptly shut down with the threat of castration, lol!


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