It's Been a While ...

Where is time going? I think the last time I posted Sage was 8 or 9 months and now as she approaches 11 months I can't quite keep up with all her milestones so here's a quick update on Sage and I'll do my best to get one of Cyril on here next week when we're back from Maine!

Sage ...

You're still as sweet as can be, so laid back, wearing a massive smile on your face if I'm in the room, a huge out pour of tears if I'm not, and arms that shake so wildly I actually think you might fly away one day. 

When you were first born the doctor said, "Does she always shake her arms like this?" I said, "I don't know she's 3 hours old, should I be concerned?" He said he didn't know and left it at that. A couple weeks later I realised you would shake your arms whenever you heard my voice. As you got older it became apparent that you shake your arms whenever you're happy or excited and it's so cute that you already have everyone wrapped around your little finger. 

You're thinking about crawling but still content on sitting and playing with your toys. You can stand on your legs if I'm holding you or you have a solid base to hold onto but I can't leave your side because you've fallen backwards abruptly on numerous occasions. You have an incredible array of facial expressions and love to chatter away. You can already say these words: Mama, dada, doggy, all done, hiya and night night although not quite that clearly.

Cuddles are still the name of the game and although you sleep through the night the majority of the time, you still have nights where you need your mama and milk. Bedtimes can be a challenge but only if it's me putting you down because separating from me is just too much for you to bear.

Despite Cyril's rambunctious behaviour you're still his number one fan and get a big smile and a fit of the giggles whenever he comes near, unless he pushes you over, then it's all tears.

As for food your nickname is the garbage disposal, you eat anything and everything except for cottage cheese. Your favourites are strawberries, yogurt and avocado.

Little lady, I love you too much, never lose your sweet personality.


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