Snap, Crackle, POP!

Original due date was in September, this has been adjusted after the dating scan. As usual I'm measuring large, let's hope it's not another 9+ pounder!

I've decided to write this post in sections, the first part written when I was only 6 weeks pregnant and the second part I write today at 14 weeks. I forgot how awful I felt until I read my post from 8 weeks ago, thank god that's over with!!!

Part One- 6 Weeks Pregnant:

And I'm pregnant. And I'm sick. And I'm tired. And I have a superhuman sense of smell. Did I mention I was sick? I thought the second pregnancy was supposed to be easier because your body was used to the hormones from the first one. This is not true. I don't know if there are two babies in there or what but the symptoms I had with Cyril feel ten times worse this time around. And what is with this super sense of smell? The other day I nearly gagged and told Josh, "Smell my hand, it smells like wood and it's making me sick." He replied, "I don't smell anything, are you feeling OK." NO I'm not feeling OK, the smell of wood, that you can't even smell, is making me want to head to the toilet, wtf?! Oh and that January healthy meal planning for my family I talked about last month got burned last night. Every time I read a meal on there it sends me to the toilet. I cannot cook, the smell of any food in the kitchen turns my stomach. Poor Cyril is surviving on really bland food like cornflakes, yogurt, milk and fruit for breakfast and lunch (even the smell of toast turns my stomach) and Ella's Kitchen toddler meals, which are super healthy so I don't feel that guilty but they are the worst for pregnancy sickness, and giving him meals made at some factory every night for dinner doesn't exactly make me feel like a great mama, especially since I'm not working and I feel like making healthy food is at the top of my job description as a full time mother. Anyway back to the toddler meal that looks like vomit but apparently tastes amazing to Cyril. I hold my breath as I open the bowl, do a quick stir and hand it to him all the while praying he doesn't ask me for "hap" (help), which he always does, so more breath holding for me. After that is finished the dishes get left. Did I tell you that looking at the dishes makes me sick. Actually I'm pretty sure they make Josh sick too, but in a different way. As you've no doubt gathered from my many posts I'm kind of OCD about a clean house, I blame this on my parents. Which is why Josh can now tell how sick I've been during the day by the state of the house when he gets home from work. Let's just say last week was bad. Counters full of dishes, laundry all over the dining room table, and toys EVERYWHERE. I even found plastic strawberries in my underwear drawer yesterday. It's bad, I'd consider hiring a cleaner but I'd be too embarrassed for her to see the state of the house.

OK enough moaning, it's great I have a human/parasite growing inside me. Only joking, we're really excited about the new edition, Josh more than me at this point. Once the nausea subsides and the bump starts to show I think I'll get more excited. I'm nervous because I had a really hard labour and first month with Cyril and I just don't know how I'll get through it all again. We've hired a doula, who was actually my midwife with Cyril but she retired, so I'm feeling really positive about that but the birth will always be in the back of my mind and so will my struggles with breastfeeding. However, I know when the time comes we'll do whatever is best in the moment and what works for the whole family so whatever that decision may be the moment will be perfect.

Part 2- 14 Weeks Pregnant:

Josh and I had a miscarriage 2 months before getting pregnant with this baby so the weeks leading up to the scan were mixed with excitement, anxiety and as you no doubt gathered from above, nausea and exhaustion! Let me just start by saying my first trimester pregnant with Cyril seemed like a spa day compared to this pregnancy with a toddler. The exhaustion and nausea got so bad that I called my mom in tears and discussed the possibility of going home for a month so I could get help with Cyril (My parents work opposite schedules so I would always have someone around and my best friend has 3 days off a week so she promised to come home every Sunday Monday and Tuesday to help). I still wasn't 100% convinced because I was afraid of the long flight with Cyril while being nauseous but when my mother told me my grandmother and Nana weren't doing well I decided it was now or never.

Despite Cyril throwing up bright red vomit all over me during the last 30 minutes of our flight I definitely think I made the right decision. After the first morning I felt the nausea subside and because my parents were doing all the household chores, and helping me watch Cyril, I had a lot of down time. If I was really tired my mom would watch Cyril so I could take a nap or just get out of the house for an hour, it was exactly what I needed. One blanket, one bib, two burp cloths and 3 books later and I have officially knit and read myself out of the first trimester nausea and exhaustion, thanks Mom and Pop!

I was also happy I went home because sadly my Nana died 4 days before our return flight. Unfortunately, I couldn't make the funeral because I had to get back for my time sensitive scan. I debated whether or not I should stay but ultimately decided I had to take care of the living first. This was also a good decision, at my scan I measured larger than I had anticipated at 13 weeks and 4 days, if I had stayed for the funeral they wouldn't have been able to do the down's syndrome test. I realise this isn't required, and a lot of women elect not to have it, but we've always wanted to have it done and I'm far too much of a worrier to make it the entire pregnancy without knowing the probability. As it was we got an NT measurement that was within normal limits for the baby's size, but higher than Cyril's, so I scoured the internet in a panic only making myself even more nervous before finally calling the midwife. She helped alleviate some anxiety but I won't be fully relaxed until I have those results in 2 weeks.

Now onto the fun stuff!

Clearly not impressed with having to share Mama's attention.

Total weight gain/loss? Too much! I actually haven't weighed myself on the same scale since I left for America but they weighed me after the scan and I had gained 2kg in 4 weeks, yikes! I blame Jacob's peanut butter cups and all the other yummy food America has to offer.
Maternity clothes? Absolutely, I started showing at about 8 weeks and I can't wait to get my maternity jeans out of storage next weekend, until then it's yoga pants and maternity tops.
Stretch Marks? No, I didn't get any with Cyril so fingers crossed there won't be any this time.
Sleep? Thanks to following Josh's advice we got over the jet lag in one night and I've been sleeping very well aside from the midnight stroll to the bathroom.
Best Moments this Week? Seeing the heartbeat on the ultrasound and already noticing differences between our two babies. Cyril did backflips during the entire ultrasound and we got about 15 photos, each one with him in a different position. This little peanut kicked a couple times and stayed in the exact same position, face down. It only moved when it seemed frustrated by the prodding and did a headstand and turned its back on us so that the sonographer had to do more prodding to get the measurement for the nuchal translucency. 
Worst moment this week? Saying goodbye to my nana and missing her funeral.
Miss Anything? My family, they really did make this pregnancy 10 times easier!
Movement? Yes! Shockingly I felt the first movement at 11 and a half weeks, I didn't feel anything with Cyril until 18 weeks.
Food Cravings? Aside from Jacob's peanut butter cups (which don't exist in England) and maple sugar candy (also non-existant) I can't really think of anything. Maybe a pint of Guinness.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick? Yes. Last night I was really in the mood for a fish finger sandwich so I ordered one, halfway through eating it I commented on how it resembled fish and chips, once I made that comment I couldn't finish it. For some reason the thought of fish and chips makes me feel sick but a fish finger sandwich doesn't. However, I don't think I'll be ordering one of those for a while.
Gender Prediction? Girl, Josh thinks a boy because he says I'm destined to be surrounded by men. I don't know if I actually think it's a girl or if it's just a hope because I have nightmares about feeding two teenage boys in the future when my toddler already eats more then I do!
Symptoms? I have some pelvic girdle pain when I overdo it or underdo it. I realise this doesn't make any sense but if I don't exercise I get pain in my pelvis, like when I flew back to England. If I do too much of the wrong exercises then I also get it. I'm having the pain much sooner than I did with Cyril so I'm in the process of narrowing down what works and doesn't because crutches when pregnant with a toddler doesn't sound very appealing.
Belly button in or out? In and it never popped out with Cyril so I don't anticipate it going out this time.
Wedding rings on or off? On, again they fit throughout my pregnancy with Cyril.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to: Seeing Josh's family next weekend, I haven't seen them since December!!

Smudges and drawing in top left hand corner done by our budding artist.

Little Hobson
Post aggressive barking at dog who got close to Cyril.


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