Cyril's Best Lines

"Cake! Apple juice!"
Can I just start by saying that this is one of the cutest ages and quite possibly my favourite stage since he was born. There are a few morning tantrums thrown in there to keep me on my toes but otherwise we are having one hell of a time over here in this glorious sunshine.

Cyril has finally started using multiple words and phrases and I just can't get enough my favourites are:

  1. "Hobo, give rest!" (When Hobson is barking I always say "Hobo, give it a rest man!")
  2. "I Nevah ..." (Only Josh, Benny and Matty will get this but the tone is spot on.)
  3. "Baby girl, shhh sleeping" (Today he put his head on my tummy and tried to listen to her, he seems to grasp the concept that there is a baby in there but I still think it'll be a bit of a shock when she arrives.)
  4. "Oh poor dada" other variations include mama, hobo, rabbie, doggie, you get the gist.
  5. "Mama, cuddle." (This will never get old. He knows I love it so now uses it to con me into lifting him closer to food that's on the counter.)
  6. "Pardon me." (Said with the best British accent. Today he burped really loud when we were at the maternity committee meeting, everyone looked at him and he said, "Pardon me." That might have been my proudest moment as a mother especially since I was surrounded by so many midwives and other parents. I must admit I was a little shocked when it came out of his mouth but acted as though he says it all the time ;)

There are so many more but nappy brain has kicked in and I needed to write down my favourites before they slip out of my brain for good.

Suns out buns out.


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