A Thank You Note to My Husband

To the man who works full-time, over-time, double-time, with no extra pay I want to say thank you.

Thank you for coming home from work and demanding I sit and knit while you wash, hang and fold the three loads of laundry that have been scattered in various locations since I hurt my back.

... for doing the washing up night after night this week when I know it's your most dreaded task and on the one occasion you tried to sneak upstairs with your iPad, hoping I wouldn't notice the dirty dishes, you sulked back downstairs to wash them after I commented that we couldn't possibly go to bed with the kitchen in such a state.

... for putting Cyril to bed and singing song after song until his "Want big cuddles Mama" sobs turn into a whimper and then are eventually quieted by your soothing voice and broad shoulders where he can rest his head.

... for making supper every night and not complaining when you wake up to find that I forgot to pick up lunch meat so it's PB&J for the fourth day in a row.

... for driving the white van that looks like it's wheels are going to fall off any day so that I can have the amazingly comfortable truck until we're able to sort out another vehicle.

... and the countless other things you do day in and day out to make our lives a little easier and yours most definitely more difficult.

The expression on Cyril's face, and Hobson's manic state, every time they see you pull in the driveway after work pretty much sums up how we all feel when Dada gets home, ecstatic and relieved!

Things are about to get a whole lot crazier in this household, and shit will probably and I'm pretty sure literally hit the fan before we know it, but somehow knowing you'll be by our sides during this transition makes it all the more exciting and bearable.


Your eccentric wife


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